- Thirty Day ual Frustration Challenge [Day Sixteen] ♥

- Day Sixteen; UKISS/SS501/KARA member you'd want to have with:








NICOLE [KARA] ♥ *I wouldn't have with her. I'm straight, and a girl. But, she is my bias; and I think she's just flawless.



- Never have I EVER fallen for a KPOP artist so fast before. KiSeop caught my eye right when I watched one of UKISS's MV's. He's been my bias from the beginning, and I don't think my obsession for him will ever stop. He's by far, my favorite Ulzzang as well. As for Kim Hyun Joong, I don't think he's the hottest man alive; but he sure is charming. When I watched Boys Over Flowers, I definitely fell for his character; then I fell for him more in Playful Kiss. If you haven't watched them, DO IT NOW. As for Nicole, she's one of my biggest girl crushes; she's pretty much flawless. She's always smiling, and I think that's my favorite thing about her. Also, she works short hair the best out of any girl I've seen; along with Brown Eyed Girls' Ga In and SISTAR's DaSom.


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OMG, Kiseop is my bias in U-Kiss, too. He's like... straight up perfection. <3