Oppa your my baby daddy Application



AFF username: 2B-EXOTIC

AFF profile link:  CLICK ME:)



Character name: Ahn Hee Young

nickname: Hy, Young-ie

birthday: 03/18

age:  17

blood type: A

height: | 5'3| 160 cm |

weight: | 106 lbs | 48 kg |




personality: Hee Young as a child grew up to be very obedient. She and her sister would always be spoiled however, they never took it for granted. Being the older sibling, she was obligated to set a good example for her younger sister, Miya. Hee Young really cared for younger sister, even with her little tantrums she was able to get the best out of her. In all, Hee Young is very well-mannered and humble, exactly the type of persona she wants to reflect towards others and most importantly her sister.

Hee Young seems to always put family and friends before herself. She can be quiet and timid at times but that’s only when she’s around  people she doesn’t know to well. Hee Young depended on her parents a lot. She was the daughter that anyone would love to have. However, not all families are perfect.

When Hee Young had enough of her parents demands she blew out furious. She didn’t like the fact that every move and action had to be perfect. Tasting a bit of freedom, she did things that she never thought she would do in a million years. The clubbing, drinking, and dancing all got to her. That one night became all to much when a handsome figure came up to Hee Young leading her to things that will change her life forever.

After figuring out that she was pregnant, Hee Young changed. That “angel” effect she held was gone. Instead, her confidence boosted up and she was no longer the person she was before. When she told her parents, of course they were disappointed and angry. She held on to the tears and faced them like a real adult would do. She reasoned out that what has been done was done and there’s not turning back. She grew more protective and determined. Hee Young will never take abortion as an answer and refused so even if her parents asked for it. She could never be that heartless. As time grew, with the baby bump being more apparent the people at school would talk about her. The daughter of  business moguls got pregnant.  Even with her new personality, in the back of her head she can never forget the disappointment she had when telling Miya her situation. In this situation Hee Young became more willed and determined to have a better life in what's ahead for her.


background: Hee Young isn’t the type to criticize someone people. She holds onto her morals and stands by it. She was considered to be one of the most smartest people at school, maybe not a genius however people do consider her one at times. She's very lovable and friendly. People could still get close to her even though she’s shy. She’ll eventually break and start up a conversation. One thing she can never leave without school, is her iPod. She has a fondness for music, especially the dance songs.

do you curse?: At times when she's really pissed.

likes: | Music | Swimming | Reading | Dancing | Piano | Cars | Taking Pictures | iPod+iPhone | Heels | Running | Traveling |Painting her nails | Handbags | Winter| Sleeping |

dislikes: | Hot days | Failing | Loud things/people | Smokers | Rudeness | Broccoli | Big insects | This with strong scents |


| She had multiple piercing, two on both sides of her ears, and one on her cartilage (right ear ).|

| She has a whole room dedicated for her clothes, accessories, shoes, you name it.|

| Traveled to  six off the continents. |

| Her favorite color is purple |

| Loves flowers, any type |

| Can speak Korean and English fluently |

| At the moment learning Mandarin |

| Loves coffee |

| Breaks out and dances when she 's alone at her room |

| Only sings to herself, never public |

| Shaking/tapping her feet when she's nervous |

| Bites her lips when things are awkward |


hobbies: | Shopping | Learning/ Playing different instruments | Cooking | Hanging out with close relatives and friends | Cleaning |

style: Hee Young usually has on a simple style. You would see her in a t-shirt paired with some skinny jeans most of the time. She loves all types of footwear and could not have enough of it. She hates things neon, bright, or anything that shows a lot of skin. She’s on the conservative side however she loves dresses that shows her long legs. Hee Young loves to accessorize. She has to hold on a presence that everything she wears from head to toe has a purpose, that explains her big closet. Also, Hee Young loves things that are flowy and chiffon. At home, she usually has on a pair on sweats with flip-flops on. For her make-up she doesn’t go overboard and prefers to go on the neutral side. With a little eyeliner and lip gloss on is what she just needs to finish off her outfit.




Family (no idols only o.c)

mom: Ahn Mi Yun /38  /Owner of a clothing line /She's  very understanding and caring women, especially when it comes to her children./ She may look stiff and hostile when you first meet her however once she starts talking she'll sound really sweet and mannered. Her diction is very broad.  But the thing she lacks is the time for her children, with the clothing line becoming more and more popular the busier she gets. She can get  frustrated  really quick and takes it out in drinking.

dad:   Ahn Hyun Ki/ 39/ Chief Operating Officer (COO)/ After finding out Hee Young got pregnant, things became really quiet between them. The only communication they hold is by text or e-mail. Even though they live at the same house, Hee Young would barely see him due to work. / He's the definition on intimidation. He likes things perfect and precise. If it isn't  right in the first time, he doesn't become strict however uses his glare and attitude to tell them off instead. Even though he sounds cold, he really does love Hee Young, Miya, and his wife but shows his affection in a different way.

sister: Ahn Mi Ya/ 10 / Student/ Hee Young loves her little sister and can be bit over protective when harm or even boys comes her way./ Mi Ya can be very playful and loud. She  grew up to be well- mannered like her mom and sister. She's different from Hee Young because she was never shy to anyone.

family background:

As mentioned from the beginning, all families aren't perfect. The Ahn family being one of them. Even though they are financially off, most people don't know their history. Mi Yun (their mother) was just like Hee Young. She got pregnant at a young age when she had Hee Young. Mi Yun's father never accepted Hyun Ki, however only did when he proved to him that Hyun Ki had something to offer for the family.  This explains why  Hyun Ki has a hard time showing his affection to his family. He's afraid that he might disappoint them and have nothing to offer and the only way is to spoil them, materialistically. Mi Yun, of course, knew why her husband would act like that and would talk him out of doing those kinds of actions. But because of his pride that makes him more into his work and leaving behind his family spoiling them instead. His position as a COO for a prominent business proved his hard work, he started from the bottom and could only work up.

As for Mi Yun, she had to leave the dream of entering college out to care for Hee Young. Both Mi Yun and Hyun Ki did love each other at the time and wouldn't back out of it. When Mi Yun left home, Hyun Ki was there to support her and help her every single time. Being a young mother, she didn't want Hee Young to continue the line because Mi Yun's mother also gave birth at a young age. She didn't want to disgrace her family name anymore it is and could only move on up with Hee Young and Hyun Ki by her side.





 kids: Fraternal Twins

son: Ahn Jong Dae  // 5 months // 05-28 // Jong Dae was born a minute earlier than his sister. Being the older twin he actually is the quieter one unlike his sister. He's a very adorable kid and a sweet one too. // He's a "go with the flow" kind of baby. He cries only when he needs food or he wants to sleep. Hee Young loves tickling him because  he would always react with that cute little laugh he only does.

daughter: Ahn Ji Yoon // 5 months // 05-28 // Ji Yoon loves the attention from people. When someone lays her down she cries  so they would carry her up  once again.// She's a bit more feisty than her brother causing Hee Young to always be with Ji Yoon. She cries a lot and would once in a while wake up her brother too. When she's calm she always has a smile, bouncing in the process.

your kid links or pictures: | 1 | 2 |

how do you treat your kid?: Hee Young loves her twins so much she'd do anything in the world for them, literally anything. As long as she can provide for them with her own money and not from her parents, she'd live a life contented. She tries to spoil them but knows when to back off. She loves  buying clothes for her twins. She didn't have the time to deocrate their room yet because of her busy schedule and still in the process doing it.

father reaction: Chunji didn't believe her at first and still do. He's denial at the fact that he's the father to the twins.  He wants to have his freedom  without being tied down yet. Even though Hee Young  explained clearly he's the father and no one else Chunji still denied the fact and  brush it off like it was nothing. He maybe immature however  in the back of his head he knows Hee Young and the twins are hurting without his presence.

was he there to see you give birth: No and Yes. He was out for a drive when someone called him about Hee Young giving birth. Out at his drive he was secretly buying things for the twins and surprisingly was happy when he found out Hee Young was giving birth. He wasn't there to  see you actually give birth because of his stubborn self ,however only saw the part when you finally got to hold  Jong Dae and Ji Yoon. At that moment, all he could do was smile.





ulzzang name: Kim Seuk Hye

ulzzang links or pictures: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |


back up ulzzang name: Hwang Ji Min

back up ulzzang links or pictures: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |




Love interest: Chunji

back up love interest: C.A.P

love interest personality:  Hee Young and Chunji (or C.A.P) are polar opposites of each other. Chunji's the type to attract  the attention, while Hee Young could care less and stay quiet in her own world. When they first met at the club, there was an attraction  Chunji couldn't shake off when Hee Young started to dance. Every moment, every brush against to the skin, Chunji went crazy. Hee Young was the only person that could do to him. Even though Chunji is a jerk, he is slowly but surely starting to open up to Hee Young and their twins. Opposites do attract, right?





Hope you know there is going to be :D

for the accepted applicants, I will ask you which ending you want :)


requested scences?: I not sure if anyone already requested this but, if possible can there be a scene when all of the babies,Teen Top, and the girls  get together for a little outing.

Oh, and  also a time when the both of them  decorate the twins' room.

comments/questions?: Thanks for reading my application. I had a fun time writing:) Sorry if I have too many requested scenes. Please tell me if I have to change anything. Can't wait for the story!!!!


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