
ughhhhh.... shoooo sleepy and i have to got to a party tomoreow-_-shooooo tired.. im gonna sleep now okay guys?babyeeeee!!!sweet dreams!!!!may u dream of ur bias lolX3 i definitely will kekeke~ and maybe chicken*chuckles* i dream of chicken too sometimes ... one of the dreams went like this: i woke up to a room full of fried chicken and then i was shoo happy and i ate the chicken... then i went downstairs to find out my house was filled with a lifetime suppy of fried chicken!!! and then the lovely dream ended=.= but thats okay hehehe~^_^ well gonna sleep!!! byeeeeee my wonderful taelented friends of mine!!!!!hooe to chat and read ur stories when i can!!


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ilovekorea #1
Sleep dream<3
I've never dream of any of my biases..
IMeMyandMine #2
Haha. That sounds like an awesome dream. I think its just cause I have a minor obsession to chicken. Specifically fried chicken.