Dear SNSD (this is a very important message)

Dear SNSD,

I have a request...just a simple one really. It's not that hard to do :). Since you girls are Genies, can you please grant this wish for me? All I am requesting for is...for SNSD to leave Taeyeon alone at the other side of the stage at Sm Town Tokyo Dome like how you girls did at Sm Town Anaheim. I'll appreciate it...a lot :D. Oh...don't worry girls, EXO will take good care of your leader for you guys...I PROMISE!!!!


Thank You



A Sone. [Who's in love with EXOTaeng]


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I'm craving for ExoTaeng moment T.T the fact that Taeyeon busy in Japan and Ezo busy in Korea and China -_- I hope SMTOWN Tokyo FULL OF EXOTAENG MOMENT !
ohmahgoooossh, YES! lol
I wonder if EXO ever like missed seeing Taeyeon before or something, lol what am I saying cause I dunno. xD
EXOTaeng~ ♥
AMEN! I hope they're going to do that. We need more ExoTaeng interactions. t's killing me already for not being able to see them together for a very very very long time! =.=