marching band app | noh minji


username: RoxiLyn
profile link: *clickmeh*
aff activity: paibu/5 (LOL) (You can't see all the letters in the next one but it says Deja.)

what do you want me to call you?: Deja
about you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
gender:  female
name: Noh MinJi
birthday & age: July 20th, 1996 - 15
grade: 9th
ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 American
spoken languages: Fluent in Korean and English - Basic Hawaiin
birthplace: Guri-si, Gyeonggi-do,  South Korea
hometown:Honokaa, Hawaii
ulzzang/model: Baek SuMin (Yuko)
links: [aff]   [tumbla]
back up ulzzang/model: Park SooYeon
links [tumbla]
height: 170 cm
weight: 50 kg
appearance: (tattoos? piercings? hair color?)
HAIR COLOR - Minji's hair color is what's called ombre hair. It's also called dip dye.
 HAIR STYLE-Minji absolutely loves braids. She loves the intricacy of them and how they can go with any type of clothes.
Minji is very calm. She is the girl who sits back and watches as all hell breaks lose and has a fun time doing it too. She is not the kind of girl who over reacts or rushes into things. Minji is very friendly. She is thge type who people don't bother gossiping about because she's so friendly to everyone. Minji loves to laugh and therefore makes it a priority to be around people that can make he laugh so hard that she'll pee on herself (almost). Minji is also respectful. Growing up in a military family, Minji knows that respect for your betters can take you places. Minji can be very stubborn. At times it'll seem like she won't stop until she gets what she wants. Minji is very charismatic and loves music. People will often see her swaying her hips down the hallway with her iPod tucked into her backpocket or hear her singing in the restroom.
For a freshman, Minji is exceptionally popular. Her exotic and foreign feel draws people in alongside her overall peronality. Minji is hard working and makes sure her grades are good so as not to suffer the wrath of her father's famous lectures. Minji is very caring and cares for her friends alot. She considers them next to family. She is also very random. She will be sitting in class next to someone she's friendly but not friends with and all of a sudden she'll sigh, very heavily. The person next to her will ask "What's wrong?". Minji will reply "What do you mean? I'm just breathing...". Minji has great charisma. While a preformance she will be doing anything to get your eyes on her, as long as it's her turn in the spotlight. Attention being taken is not something she'd want someone to do to her so she doesn't do it to others. Treat people how you want to be treated and all that stuff.
Minji was born into a military family, both of her parents being active in the U.S military. Her mother was a Nurse in the navy and her father was a highly ranked officer in the Air Force. Because of their business, the two Gyeonggi-Do natives moved from South Korea to Hawaii. Minjiwas spoken to in Korean and English and took to both languages incredibly well. She was also fortunate. She lived right on the beach and her parents were never sent far. Growing up in Hawaii, of course Minji developed a live for the ocean. She would go to a nearby beach whenever she was bored or irritated. Minji also kind of spoiled. All of her father's friends loved ger and her mothers friend's all called themselves her godmother.
When Minji was ten, her father was injured during a flight test. He decided to take a break from the army and the family relocated back to Korea. Minji was very sad ; she loved it in Hawaii andhad never wanted to leave. It was SO much better than Korea, she thought. It was always warm, the surf was good and everyone that had a good, natural tan was beautiful. Here...not so much. The kids at school made fun of her because her skin was still tan, which was really dark to them. Minji did no enjoy this. She didn't really talk to people at her new school. After starting middle school, things got better. Her tan was gone (to her dismay) and people no longer about it, giving her a chance to actually make friends.

►Surfing - a true love of minji's ; she's never gotten used to not being able to go surfing.
►Ball balls - a cute way to tie your hair up
►Adventure Time - a good show with funny characters.
►Music - music is the language of the world^^
►Food - it's sooooo freakin tasty

►Thunderstorms - She sleeps well during them, but in the morning everything is wet and the air is sticky.
►The color yellow - it's just annoying for some reason.
►Whiners - Stop whining and nike (just do it LOL).
►The morning - It's too early to get up. Minji is a night person.
►Math - math is evil.
►Sleeps on her stomach.
►Bites her bottom lip whenever she see's her crush.
►Smells her food before eating it.
►hums the song Up N Down by Spica when she's feeling really good.

►Listening to music.
►Reading manga.
►Dancing - When the garage in her house is empty she's goes out there and dances.

►Her vision is bad so she wear glasses.
►She still talks to her Hawaiian friends.
►Her dad took her to the base once and they parachuted.
►Is allergic to cooked fish. She can eat it raw though.
►Used to wear braces.
►Dyed her hair secretly. Was punished for four weeks when her parents saw.
 Noh Jun Seok | 39 | dad | Senoir Master Sergeant (Engineer)| Jun Seok is a caring parent. He is the "bad cop" parent meaning he does the discipline in the house. Even though discipline is important to him he is also fun and loves his daughter very much.
Kim Jo Ri | 38 | mom | Captain (chef) |Jo Ri is the more laid back parent. Now this doesn't mean she's not strict, but she's not as strict as her husband.
 HyunA | 15/10th | HyuNa is really friendly. Although she's very social and nice alot of girls in school call her ty. This causes her to be very gaurded around  other girls and hang out with boys more than girls  | HyunA is also on the color guard. | best friends
Narsha (Brown Eyed Girls) | 16th/11th| Narsha is very sweet. She is really 4D but also popular among the boys. She is also the total opposite of the kind of friend Minji wants ; She doesn't make the best grades, she skips more often than the average student, and she's never busy which means she's always coming over^^. Narsha is like Minji's at school mom.| Narsha and Minji met through a tutoring session. Minji was tutoring Narsha LOL.| best friends
best subject: History
worst subject: Math
favorite class: Food
overal grades: A+'s and B+'s
social life: Minji is known as that one pretty freshman^^. Although her best friends are in higher grades than her, most of  the people who she talks to every day are fellow freshmen.
instrument or color guard: Color Guard
(optional) position?: n/a
how long have you been playing?: She just started color guard.
what got you to play the intrument?: She took up color guard when her mother suggested she start doing something to replace (Minji said nothing could replace it though), surfing.
are you commited?: At first Minji was not very committed. She wasn't happy about what her mother had said about replacing surfing. But soon she took on a true love for color guard. 
how often do you practice?: 8 ; She practices in her mind and, as I've said, can be seen dancing in the halls.
Bora | 15 y.o. - 10th grade | Bora is one of the older color guard members. She worked hard for her color guard position and is known around the school that she had been wishing since she was little to be on the color guard. When she joined, she was kind of bossy, taking control of te routines and countoffs until someone finally pulled her off of her high horse. She was not very happy when Minji was welcomed on to the team like a pro only after the three day clinic.
love interest?: Jang Dong Woo (infinite)
back up love interest: Kim SungGyu
grade&age: 10th - 15 y.o.
personality: Dong Woo is a typical boy ; very funny, caring, and loud. At first he was very ..."rude" towards Minji. He would always watch her during practice and then tell his friends "how much he'd give to get next to that (LOL)". Since they started hanging out, he has been protetive of her. He is always watching her secretly without her knowing. He is a little erted and sometimes has...impure thoughts about Minji but for the most part has a good heart.
relationship: friends (occasionally with benefits. Dong Woo will give her random backhugs in the hallway and nestle her neck or purposefully let his hand swipe across her ^^.
how do you act around each other?: natural.
instrument: Snare Drum
past relationships?: None whatsoever..:(
the end.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
password: pride
suggestions? questions?comments? words of encouragement?: Thanx for reading my app! Also, thanks for the cool story idea! Good luck choosing people :)  



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