B.O.F - Lee Youngmi


Boys Over Flowers


¦AFF Street¦

Username: Eunmi_217


Activeness: 9

*What Should I Call You?: Eunmi


Name: lee Youngmi

*Nickname(s): aegyo queen

Preferred Name: Youngmi

D.O.B:october,19th 1994

Ethncity: half korean, half american

Birthplace: Busan,south korea

Hometown: Incheon, South korea

*Chinese Zodiac: Dragon

*Star Sign: libra

*Blood Type:O


- korean

- english

- Japanese

¦And, Can U Smile?¦



   youngmi  is a cheerful person & acts like a total kid, just like her sister.  she always smile and attracts people with her famous eyesmile. she likes fooling around and she has an adorable laugh that can make people smile automatically. she's very caring and thoughtful towards her friends. she has this cuteness and likes doing the bbuing bbuing — well,she only does that when she needs something. no one can resist her cuteness,that's why she gets anything she wants when she does aegyo. she's not a fan of aegyo acts though but a lot of people insists her to do it that's why she ended up doing aegyo stuffs. she believed that everytime she does aegyo,people goes awe and gets weak everytime they see it. some people may say that youngmi is close to perfection, well except for being clumsy. youngmi has this pretty & adorable look. people are jealous of her looks & she has this natural beauty. even without make-up, she's still beautiful & stunning. she's talented. she knows how to dance, sing and even act. she can play three types of instrument. she also has this brain, a brain with a lot of knowledge in it. sunyeon is a bright and a smart person. She sometimes decides (decision maker) and gives a lot of bright ideas to the group. although she can be bossy and arrogant. she became arrogant because of receiving a lot of praise & good compliments. take note that you'll always see sunyeon with a smile. ALWAYS, but exclude the time when she's angry. when something's wrong or when she has a problem she still manages to smile. she'll stay calm and when her friends ask her 'are you alright' she'll answer 'yes,i'm fine',she acts strong in front of everyone. actually,she's a good liar and can make people believe her easily. when no one is around,there she'll start to cry & be weak. she doesn't like to show people that she's weak, she wants them to see her as a strong girl.



Youngmi's parents first lived at Paju City in Gyeonggi province. But when Youngmi was born, they decided to move to Incheon.
Before, when Young mi was just 10 years old, she had a terrible car accident. She had to stay in the hospital for six weeks. After they came out of the hospital , their life became normal again.
Before she goes to Shinhwa Academy, the first thing she does, is to help her mother at the cafe, their own cafe, it is owned by her parents. She always helps there whenever she can. She also sings at the cafe, for extra credit from the customers, and she never fails to amazed them.


Purple : it is her favourite colour

theme park : she likes to go theme park every weekend

ice cream : the most  she likes is chocolate flavour

kids : she likes to treat kids very well

- singing : she likes to sing every free time she had. her friend that her voice are daebak

- make aegyo : she likes to the "buing buing" ones

- cooking : she always cook for her family



- horror movies : it kinda make she cannot sleep

- heights : it make she feel dizzy

- graveyard : it is very scare to go there at night

- strangers : she did no t likes strangers

- being alone : it make she feel everyone did not like her

- being awoke early in the morning : she dislikes people disturbed  her beautiful sleep

- bugs : she thinks it is very disgusting


- singing

- playing basketball

- playing piano 

- listening to her ipod

- cooking



- drink too much water when nervous

- get shy easily when meet new people
- play pranks when get bored
- make aeygyo when asking something to people
- mumbling something when angry
- pout automitacaly



- strangers

- dark place

-sharp thingy

- frog


When she was 13, she really afraid of cockroaches. She dare to run away until the basement even the small cockroaches.

She hates Drawing.

She likes to release her tension with writing a poetry or wrote in her diary.

Excellent in Maths. Her favourite subjects were astronomy, biology, physics and chemistry.

She's kind a serious girl when facing any problems.

Really hate too curly hair man.

She likes to read an informative books. (Bookworm)

Her favourite food is Ddukbokki.

Her favourite drink is Chocolate Ice Blended. (Yummy! =D)


¦Mirror Mirror¦

Name of Ulzzang: Kim Shinyeong

Images: {01 } { 02 } { 03 } { 04 } { 05 }

Name of Back-Up Ulzzang:  song ah ri

Images: { 01 } { 02 } { 03 } { 04 } { 05 }

Height:  167 cm

Weight:   45 kg

Style:  she likes to wear casual clothes that are not too girly and boyish

the link     :                                                              

            in house : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

 outside : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

sleepwear : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 

 formal ; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4



¦Everything ends with '-end' Except for fam'ily' = I love you¦

Parent(s):  Birth father | lee hyeongseok | 14.5.1963 | 49 | a chef in a restaurant | strict but inside he is caring  | she is kinda afraid of her father and that make the relationship between them is akward . she hope that will overcame| 5 | Alive

                Birth mother | Seo Minhee | 30.9 .1966| 46 | an ex nurse but now she is a cafe worker | lovely and caring | she and her mother did not akward like her father . She likes to help her mother at the kitchen | 8 | Alive


*Sibling(s):  older sister | Lee Heeyoung | 29.6.1992 | 20 | an owner of a cafe | playful and likes to talk very much | she and her sister likes to talk heart to heart. they are like twins never get to seperated when get together | 10 | Alive 

                 younger brother |  Lee gyeongju | 5.07.1995 | 17 | a junior in his school | playful and childish| they like to tease each other . When they fought, they will not fought for a long time | 9 | Alive


*Relative(s):   Oldest niece  | Park Dasom | 12.3.1992 | 20 | A librarian | She is like your sister but she is more mature than her | She is the closet niece to youngmi so youngmi ,heeyoung and dasom always share secret | 10 | Alive


Best Friends:  Jung Eunji | 16.8.1993 | 19 | caring and helpful | they like to hang out sometime and eunji is youngmi first bestfiend  | 10 | Alive

                          No Minwoo| 31.7.1995 | 17 | childish and playful | they like to tease each other. minwoo and youngmi always play together with eunji in the evening |  10 | Alive

Friends:  im yoona  | 30.5.1990 | 22 | mature but sometimes she kinda immature | she is heeyoung bestfriend . youngmi often visit when she come to her sister cafe. they like to talk each other | 9 | Alive

  Byun Baekhyun | 6.5.1992 | 20 | funny and understand people feeling | he is like our oppa. when you were sad , he will confort you until you stop crying  | 9 | Alive


*Rival(s):  lee Howon [hoya] | 28.3.1991 ] | 21 | cold and easy get angry | when theymeet together, they always fought or ignore each other | Alive

*Enemies:  jung soyeon Jessica | 18.4.1989 | 24 | she is the most cold person you ever see | when they both each other , jessica will try to find some pranks for you | Alive

¦I Love You¦

Love Interest: [Please pick 2 and only 2 of the following that I've stated below with a 'x']



[]Music Lover


[] Fighter


Back-Up Love Interest: [Again, pick 2 but not the same 2. Mark with an 'x']



[X]Music Lover


[X] Fighter


¦T-Time's Up!¦

Password:  Apink ; Wishlist

Requested Scene(s): i  dont know . I always with your mind


Did I Miss Anything?: no 

Closing Comment(s): hope you like my application and please accept me . If you do not want to accept, it is okay.





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