It's been 13 days. Seeing him being removed from ads and that NHK show makes me mad. They got money from his hard work but they EASILY removed him. Watching 2 days ago's concert fancams makes me miss him even more. Did you see his tweet? He was so excited for the concert, and me too. The other members smiled happily like nothing happened. I know I shouldn't think this way. I feel like I really need to see them supporting him in PUBLIC but if they did that they would make things worse; just like what those stupid netizens did to his brother and sister. I said I'd wait for him no matter how long it takes but I just.... I miss him too much. My life isn't the same as before. I never thought things would turn this way. I believe he's a good person and will come back as an even better person. I miss him and all I wanna see is his smile. I hope I can wait for him. This is the worst period being in this fandom for me (I'm in this fandom since mid 2010 so I didn't feel really bad about 2009 controversy) Btw it's D-29 to their 4th anniversary ^^


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