To Insecure Girls (Repost)


I wanted to make this a lesson I think all girls need to learn- including myself. I think we all get hung up on being 'perfect' but really... What is perfection? To some, its tanned skin and to others it's pale skin. To some, it's having the right haircut and to others it's getting the highest grades. There is nothing that defines what 'perfection' is. Perfection is what you make it to be and so I say we make ourselves the model for perfection. Stop trying to be someone you're not just for a guy you like. If he doesn't love the real you, then he won't truly love you for the amazing person you are.

We complain that we're too ugly for the guy we like or too fat for him or that he'll never love us but the way I see it, if he says no because of your outer appearance, he's useless. How can a guy who is so narrow-minded to only look at the cover of the book without reading what it's about, be right for such a perfect person such as yourself? The guy you're looking for will come along eventually. Don't rush it and look back and realise it was a mistake. Heck, I'm almost 17 and I still haven't had a first kiss which in this day and age, is kind of unheard of. I'm waiting for the right guy to come along, make me feel safe and be mature about life. He'll know that girls shouldn't be dated by their appearances but by their personalities. It's what's inside that counts. 

We all aim to please. It's in our human nature. But why aim to be perfect and please everyone all the time? It's hard, I know, but we should all stop caring so much about other people's opinions of us. Those who'll judge you based on appearances and without giving you time to explain yourselves are not worthy of being close to you. We'll all find our prince charming one day, I can gurantee it but till then, we need to stop the negative thoughts about ourselves, the endless bashing about not being pretty enough for our crushes and realise that we're all beautiful in our own unique and special way.



and if your crush tells you you're ugly or fat or stupid or anything like that, tell me. I'm going to go teach that douschebag a lesson he'll never forget. I love you all <3 


this is a repost of haneul-gateun's Author's Note in chappie 4 of Histories. I just HAD to repost this. <3 Go go check it out~~



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but yes this post is everything dies
ailisu #3
NOBODY is perfect! and we should live for ourselves not for other people thoughts.~!
That is so true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!