Dark Streets Application




U S E R N A M E: tabi_bias

A F F  P R O F I L  E  L I N K: ^__^ woot!

T I M E  O N  A F F: 9


C H A R A C T E R  N A M E: Lee Hana

L I N K S: 1 2 3 4

B A C K U P N A M E: Min Hyerim

L I N K S: 1 2 3

H O M E T O W N: Melbourne, Australia

C U R R E N T  C I T Y: Seoul

A G E  &  B I R T H D A Y: 17 (20/11/1995)

W E I G H T  &  H E I G H T: 162 cm, 51 kg

B L O O D T Y P E: A+

L A N G U A G E S: English, French, Korean


☠Drop Dead, Gorgeous



S T Y L E: She isn't very particular about style or looks, meaning generally she looks good in everything she wears. Due to the fact that she is a spy she has to adapt to any style and quickly. Personally, she likes to rock up to anything in jeans and a hoodie. Hana doesn't mind wearing dresses (although she isn't always very willing) but hates those frilly, ultra lace dresses with a passion.She looks quite innocent and naive but it's also something she developed out of practice to make it easier for people to trust her.

Casual: 1 2 3

Formal: 1 2 3 4


E X T R A: She has 3 piercings on each ear that each sport studs with different gemstones.


☠Sharing Dirty Secrets


Hana was orphaned at the age of 5. Her parents died in a bombing that was connected to the Mafia. Alone and on the streets she was soon captured by Choi Jae Min (a mafia leader), who engaged in human trafficking. He took a strange liking to Hana and kept her with him. He abused her over a period of a 2 years both physically and mentally, always making sure that there was no way she could escape. At the time Choi Jae Min had a son who was older than Hana. Unknown to his father, the young boy would slip into the dungeons where Hana was kept locked up. He brought her all the treat he could steal from his own dinner as well as small presents. He would stay with her for long periods of time, especially when his father was out on business, keeping ehr company and vowing to help her escape. Soon, Choi Jae Min heard news of a police raid that was to happen soon. He packed up his business and moved it to a different city, in the process, forgetting about Hana. On the day that the boy was to go he managed to make it to the dungeons with keys that he had been able to retrieve from one of the packed boxes. He set Hana free, making sure to give her all of his savings before leaving with his father. To this day Hana has never forgotten that little boy. After finally gaining freedom, Hana swore to avenge her losses. During the police raid she was a very valuable asset and was eventually recruited into one of the top secret spy agencies in the world. Her burning passion to get revenge was finally satisfied when, after training mercilessly for years, she was awarded an undercover mission. At the moment she is has a fake identity and is working undercover for drug/arms dealers that deal with the mafia directly.


  • As explained before she has no family whatsoever as she was an only child. Hana is headstrong and has learned to trust her intincts from years of experience. She drips sarcasm from every corner and is very skeptical, which means she trusts no one.  Her heart has been hardened from her earlier experiences and even though she seems strong she still has nightmares about the times she spent in Choi Jae Min's dungeon.She only has one friend from her spy agency that is like a sister to her. Min Hei Ryung played the father and mother role in Hana's life from when she first joined the spy agency. Hei Ryung is a bubbly girl that tries to cheer up Hana no matter what. Although they hardly get to see each other due to their missions, they never fail to maintain their strong relationship. Hei Ryung was also orphaned at a tender age. Her parents were on a mission, working for the mafia under disguise. Their cover was blown and they were tortured to death; meaning Hei Ryung has an equally strong desire to bludgeon the mafia. 


 Pick Your Side

W H A T S I D E A R E Y O U O N? : COP

Hana's desire for revenge led her to the Cops. Her passion and her never-give-up motto means she has never failed a mission before. Her instinct is usually spot on and she has an eye for detail.


☠☠☠☠☠☠☠Young Love☠☠☠☠☠☠☠


L O V E  I N T E R E S T: T.O.P 

A G E  &  B I R T H D A Y: 24 (4/11/1987)

R O L E: BigBang (Arms/Drugs)

H O W  D I D  Y O U  M E E T?:

scenario 1) They first met as little children when Hana was brought in by TOP's father. He helped her escape and has never stopped thinking about what happened to her. He tried to find her as soon as he was able to but it seemed like she had vanished into thin air. During one of his major arms deals he comes across Hana (undercover). She looks vaguely familiar but he can't remember why or from where. As the deal goes on it seems that the mafia leader Hana is spying on is doing something dodgy with the deals between TOP. TOP captures Hana to get information out of her, however he can't bring himself to torture the information out of her. So instead he opts to keep her as long as he can to get as much out of her as possible.

scenario 2) In a major mafia deal TOP is forced into marrying Hana. Hana, who was not prepared for this sort of outcome, grudgingly marries TOP to save her life in order to continue hunting down the men that killed her parents. 

W H A T ' S  Y O U R  R E A L T I O N S H I P  L I K E? Hana is very distrusting towards TOP. Although it seems that he is a cold and very reserved man it seems he has developed a bit of a soft spot for Hana. Her instincts tell her to trust him but she can't bring herself to, no matter how hard she tries. When speaking with each other in the beginning it's very short and curt but develops as they get to know each other better. As Hana continues on her quest to find her long time abuser, she starts trusting TOP as he helps her. He also comforts her when she has "those moments" when she dreams about being back in the dungeon. 

H I S  P E R S O N A L I T Y: He is very reserved and calm. He tries to keep a level head. His decisions are made with utmost care and thought out very thoroughly. Although he can come across as cold and insensitive it's only because he usually likes to keep his thoughts to himself. His calm facade hides most of his vulnerable, inner self. He hates being made fun of, which was the cause for his reclusiveness. He can be a bit of a dork and crack lame jokes, but only when he's around people he trusts and has known for a long time. 


W H Y  A P P L Y ?: The entire concept makes me wanna jump up and down and scream in excitement :D

C O M M E N T S ?  S U G G E S T I O N S ?: I can think of absolutely nothing u havent covered. It seems like a pretty awesome story <3

S C E N E  R E Q U E S T:  I don't mind, a couple of bits where Hana slowly starts trusting TOP, or he gets injured and she has to look after him or something. I don't mind, up to you. If you want I could write a few bits for you too ^___^

- btw i have to say thank you sosoososososos much for helping me out about the application thing. You are so awesome <3 yay its my first time and Im so excited :) WOOHOO! and u seem like a brilliant writer.  (Updated: much love for checking the application for me and telling me how I can adjust it :)


Yay, i really like this fic, i hope its not too late to enter because Im pretty sure I live in a different time zone to you. <3 can't wait for the chapters :) 





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