Application to RLB- Royal lemon entertainment ^^


Full name:Jian Jun 
Age: 19
Birthdate: 10-2-1993
Hometown:Pusan, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Basic Chinese and English
Height:187 cm
Weight: 57.1 kg
Blood Type: B
Family: Tara Jun/Mother/47/ Really close to Jian, she loves her son dearly but does not support his interest in music.
Ka In Jun/Father/50/ Not as close to Jian as he could be, he could care less for what is son wants to do.
He has no siblings.
-Spicy Food
-The colors black and green
-Dancing- he ADORES to Hip Hop dance
-Arguing with people
-Romance movies (His cute little Quirk ^^)
-Sweet food (Like Candy, etc.)
-Horror movies (as you said looks can be deceiving ^^)
-Judgemental people
-People that are too serious
-The color red
-Taking pictures
-Clenches his jaw without even noticing, people think he does it when he is nervous, but he finds himself doing it at random times.
-Hugging people to much when he likes them xD
-When he is bervous he will bite his bottom lip
-Jian Jun has a secret love of animals, when he was a child he use to bring home all sorts of frogs, and "lost" cat's and dogs. His parents didn't know what to do about it xD
-His first pet was named Sir Pounce-a-lot, he was an orange kitten
-Jian Jun is a HORRIBLE speller, his parents and classmates use to ridicule him for it :(
Personality:With a rough exterior, people usually take one look at Jian and assume he is extremely rude and judging, but he is in fact the complete opposite. Though his normal look is threatening and intimidating Jian loves to laugh and takes pleasures in even the corniest of jokes. He often tells jokes and talks to himself, as not many people want to be his friend.
Jian hates when people are rude to others, and he will sometimes use his dangerous demeanor against bullies. He was known in high school as the Saviour of the weak! ^^ Not only does he like to laugh and make others laugh he is also extremely sensitive and cries easily.
When someone teases him about his naturally unhappy look or his facial features he gets really upset.
regardless of all of this, Jian is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in and when pushed he can and will fight. Though violence is his last resort.
Background: Jian was raised in an average family with a loving mom and dad who both wanted him to do what was good for him. By "Good" for him I mean medical school. They pressured him to get good grades and ever since elemtentary school he had, up until high school when people started to notice that he wasn't the best speller, this was the subject he was weakest at and his parents grew angry. So they forced a tutor upon him, Jian did not mind this and he worked even harder, trying to regain his parents love and appreciation. 
This worked until they found him dancing by himself in his room to music, outraged they took all of his musical devices away and told him to focus more on school. But Jian did not want to! He had found something he truly enjoyed and would sneak out of the house to go and dance with a small group of people he liked to call his "dancing crew".
Eventually his parents saw the light and decided not to pressure their son, instead they allowed him to do what he wanted, with nothing more then disapproving stares. When Jian heard about Royal Lemon entertainment he just KNEW he had to try out and show his parents that the path he chose was not the wrong one.
Stage name: Jian ^^
Position: Lead dancer or lead singer :D
Years trained:2 years!
Trainee life:Jian watched as a sensitive smiling young man was accepted as a trainee into RLE and soon that man became less smiley. Jian had always been great at handling large amounts of stress and he would often try to assist the other people in coping as well. He told jokes to pass the time and was practicing constantly! Eventually however the stress got to him and Jian found himself getting more agitated and angry easier. His parents were still angry with him for leaving behind his medical studies so to cope with the hard life of a trainee Jian made friends online and when upset he would rant to them about his problems. He also took up the occassional smoking.
Soprano/Alto:Middle Tone voice
Ulzzang: Yu Ha Min
Piercings: Ear piercings and a piercing :3
Tattoos: He has some words that go across the left side of his chest they say: Never back down
Love interest: A fellow member would be nice! ^^ Or Zelo <3 
Preference: He's a top (I think O___O)
scene: Oh! Yes please!!! :D
NOTE: I REALLY hope you like him ^____^ I worked really hard to make him as unique as possible! :) And remember author- Don't overstress of work to hard okay? :3
OH my gosh! The other applicants look soo amazing :O Now that I look at him Jian looks kinda boring -__-'' Mianhae!


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