Application to: The four seasons!


Username: Makerssupahchik

Profile Link:

What I should call you: Kit is fine ^^

Activeness: +9



❦ Getting To Know You

Character Name: Last | Hee Suh

Nickname(s): SUHnee (like sunny XD because shes soo happy)

Age + Date of Birth: 19 | April 4

Personality: Lee Su hee. Where to begin with her.....Her friends say that she is the strangest person they have ever met. In public she an be seeing singing and dancing to music that only she can hear, with her earphones in. Su Hee has and always will be a strong animal cruelty advocate and Environment advocate. She is highly against people tearing down trees for new homes and one time went so far as to tie herself to a tree she loved dearly for three days, refusing to eat anything just to make a point! She has been almost arrested twice for breaking innocent animals out of labs to save them from being tested on.

Besides all of that when in school she is always smiling and laughing, easily getting pushed around by her peers because she is too shy to stand up for herself. She can only stand up for trees and animals, and gets made fun of in school, often times being called a "hippy". She is largely against drugs and bullying. Though she gets bullied herself.

Su Hee loves to draw people and sometimes found herself doing it secretly when she was in class. Su Hee always (And I mean ALWAYS) has anti animal cruelty stickers that she offers to random people on the streets, this embarrases her family and friends, but she doesnt care beause the planet and all of its creatures are important to her. She is a vegatarian and always cooks animal friendly meals for her friends (though they LOVE their meat) She was the one that got her old highschool to provide vegan foods. "Never eat anything bad for you" That is her motto, and one her friends for as they bite into a candy bar.

She hopes to overcome her shyness in front of people other then her environment club, who sees her as she is. The adorably weird girl who always does her hair differently each day!






- Drawing

-Braiding hair

- Celery

-The colors Pink and Yellow



-Construction Workers (Because they are always tearing down trees)

- Meat >_<

- Bullies 

-The color Black

-Stuffed animals (They make her sad)


-Mean People





-Saving trees and animals

-Cooking Vegan dishes

-Learning Chinese



-No more trees left in the world

- Bubble wrap (It TERRIFIES her)

-Stuffed Animals


-When she was a child her mother put her into pageants and she was really popular,but as Su Hee got older she grew to HATE the whole "whos prettier" challenge, as she believes that the outside is not near as important as the inside.

- Grew to love Music because of her grandmother and now has an addiction to it!

-Went in a musical at school but ran off the stage crying because when her part came people start shouting out mean things like "Hey look the school hippy is singing but I dont see any trees!" and someone else had said "Hey Snow white there are no animals here!"


❦ You Look Beautiful

ulzzang:Yoo Hyun Jin

links: Sorry I dont know how to hyperlink..and all of her pics are on here <3

backup ulzzang: Mooon Ya El


clothing style: She likes to wear whatever she thinks is cute and comfy!! ^^ 






❦ No Use Crying Over Split Milk

Childhood: Suh Hee was always a humiliation for her parents. They had a strict idea on how they wanted her to grow up! They wanted a smart, talented, beautiful young lady. But as a child she had always loved to be outside and play in the dirt and awas always bringing home stray animals! It was who she was as a child and no matter how hard they tried she refused to conform to Them! As she grew older her parents began to grow distant and tried to get out of country as often as possible to avoid further embarassment whenever she got in trouble for breaking animals out. So, they would leave her either alone or with her grandma who was very supportive until the day she died!

Important Events: The very first time Suh Hee's parents were embarrassed by her was when she was about thirteen and she joined a group of protestors into breaking out some animals at a lab, being social people everyone knew who Ji Hee and her family was, and because of this people talked. Alot. So she was punished (her parents threw away EVERY SINGLE OUNCE of vegetarian food she had in the house) But even then she refused to back down! Sneaking out to eat at a friends house!!And once when her parents went overseas for "work" She became VERY ill (scarlet fever), but even with a call from her grandma AND a doctor they claimed they couldnt come home. This was the first time she ever cried and hated herself for scaring her parents away. 


❦ What A Family

Mother: Hee Moon Ni | 46 | Stay at home wife | Alive


Relationship with her: Hee Moon Ni had always wantaed a daughter that would fit in perfectly with society. One the would eventually take care of her! However, she was stuck with...Suh Hee....her daughter who was everything but normal. Who in her eyes was a "freak". No matter how hard she  tried she didnt care enough to try to get to know her daughter. Though she never out right claimed to hate her daughter...she did talk about her behind her back. Too afraid to STATE she hated her daughter she would often try to change her by buying Suh Hee clothes she disliked and crying if she refused to wear them. They have a...VERY thin mother-daughter relationship, neither wanting to push to far into the others life.

Father: Hee Kai Lee | 49 | Father | Alive

Relationship with him: Kaei Lee Hee is supportive of his daughters...wishes. He assumes that this is just a phase and so will often just smile or laugh away any trouble she gets into. But as the weeks went by he began to grow annoyed by her constant smiling and laughing and "tree saving". He HATED it, what went wrong with this child? He had raised her the SAME way he was raised, yet she was so different. Soon he used his work as excuses to leave her life taking his wife with him often so she too could escape!

Sibling: None

Other Family: 

Kwang Hee|79|Grandmother|Dead| 

Relationship: A loving and kind woman, she adored Suh Hee and accepted her as the animal lover she was! Telling her she was the prettiest girl in the world and always smiling at her!


❦ Social Circles Are Important

Best Friend: So Jin | 26 | So Jin is a girl who likes to fight for what she believes in. She is not a vegetarian but adores Su Hee as a sister| They met at an animal cruelty signing.

Friend:  Minah|19| The silly dork of the friends Minah is really over dramatic and likes to crack jokes all the time| They met while Su Hee was in highschool,she was in the same play and ran after Su Hee comforting her.

Enemy: None (She is too polite to have enemies)



[ highlight one ]

WINTER - get cheered up and meet someone new | lose a love but gain a new one

SPRING - first love that lasts | fleeting love to remember

SUMMER - take a break from love | take care of a long distance love

FALL - let go of a love | take a break and meet a new love


❦ Let's Fall In Love

Lover: YiXing (Lay) | Exo-M

Age: 24

Personality: LAy is the nicest, sweetest guy that Suh Hee has ever met. Sure he doesnt break animals out from cages or tie himself to trees but he does support her! He is one of the first guys not to make fun of her and laughs as he watches her defiance in saving animals. Lay ALWAYS makes her laugh and smile and is there for her when her parents are not! She was skating on some roller blades in the park when she crashed into someone! With wide eyes she saw it was a cute guy and sat there staring at him for a full minute. She realized he'd had his ear phones in and that she recognized the song and immmediatly, (because she thought he was cute, she grew nervous) she began to rant about the song and what she thought it meant, he thought it was cute and asked her on a date. They immediately clicked. (Not sure if you wanted to know how they met or anything >< Sorry!)

Backup Lover: Bang Yong Guk | B.A.P

Age: 23

Personality: Bang Yong Guk is an avid dancer and junk food eater. He likes to annoy Suh Hee by eating things that horrify her RIGHT in front of him XD Nobody knows how they get along, except them. It is because Yong Guk has a secret side of gentleness and lovability that makes Suh Hee ignore his supposedly "bad" habits. His dancing always drew her toward him!!


❦ It Was Nice Talking To You

Suggestions/Scene Requests:  maybe a scene where Suh Hee gets sick and her lover takes care of her? ^^

Questions/Comments: HAVE FUN okay? and dont work TOO hard <3 I know my character is a bit...weird but I did this so she would stand out! Sorry if she TOO weird :(



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