Im sad

Hey everyone yuki_chicken here so I have a short story to tell you and there is a moral lesson to the story.

So this morning I found out that my cousin's friend was shot at his home (which was down the street from my house) while someone attempted to rob his house. So while trying to get the guy away he pulled a gun on him and shot him in the face. He was sent to the hospital this morning in critical condition. My family and I had found out just half an hour ago that he had passed away. My family was devastated. He was a good friend to all of us and we will miss him dearly. But the person who will miss him the most is my cousin.

The lesson to this story is: to always cherish the people around you especially your friends because in the blink of an eye something could happen to them and then the next they arent there anymore.

So all I ask of you guys is to just please always cherish the people who are important to you and to cherish every moment together as it was the last

                                                                                                                                 Thank you



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Oh no... T.T
I know words are not enough to take away the pain but I would still like to say my condolences and hope your cousin gets through this.
Life is definitely short and should be cherished by everybody. Its just sad that we are reminded every now and then in the worst way possible.
Omo I'm so sorry :(.