my Bulls*** School day on Monday (Sept 17.12)

That day was one pain in da for sure!!

I just hatted that day for hecka reasons

here's why I hatted it:

First period:

we had to watch that one movie

about ALD, it's called "Lorenzo's Oil"

that movie just fliped my stomach up-side-down..



Second period:

you could just say that was the worst period I've had on that day!

We had to present out Spanish Project(s) about

the coutries that Speakes Spanish

we basically had to Choose a country that it's native language is

Spanish, and then make a power point, or a poster about it.

mine was 10slids, so it was pretty long...

but for GOD's sake

tell me why that gurl and her friend had to have a comment on every single

damn slid I show and my accent..

for goodness sake

non of them who were making fun of me, had their project done...

that shiet srsly got me mad...

Third period:

I think my teacher was on her period

like srsly she dun wanna answer none of our questions

so we ended up

with 8pages packet due the next day

and we didn't know shiet about the subject!!


Fourth period:

my teacher was being an to me

as usual, which I'm used to it now~

but, he didn't really has to be that fked up and tell the whole freakin 60students in the class

that I finsihed my labs in amlost 20mins!

but u know what wasn't fair?

is that there was a dude, who finished his labs in 25mins and he didn't say anything to him!!

and then he started talking about me having all As last year, and now I might just end up with all Bs or Cs

I'm like WTF butthole!!!

ughh effing hate that mf..

but ohh well.. I called him over and told him that wasn't really nesseccary to do

so he stood there like an efing status, apologizing to me like he didn't do shiet

I'm like da eff! I don't care if u apologize now, cuz u just humilated me infront of the whole damn class!!

Fifth/sixth period(s):

I have the same teacher so idk..

that class was the only relaxing class I had all day long

aside from the Vocab test which I wasn't prepared to take!

I'm not even sue what will I get on it no more

either fail or some high score!!

like srsly I reviewed all the Vocabs but once she handed me the paper, I forgot all

what I read T^T

after school:

bro came to pick me....

and he started talking non-stop

so me being me I told him to Shut up!

we're cool that way~ 

and there goes my stupid Azz day~ of the week!!


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