BraveKnightOnline-勇敢な騎士 Application





The Actual You;

Username: LoveDonghae

Name: Amanda

Activeness: 10

Welcome to BKO;

Name: Saya Fuko Nickname: "Saiko" A combo of her first and last name AND because her friends think her video game skills are crazy (Saiko sounds similar to Psycho) 

Username: Zana

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Birthday: 16 January, 2027

Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA

Ethnicity: Japanese-American


Who are you?;

Personality:  She likes to talk a lot when to people she knows but otherwise is shy. When she talks about things she likes she gets very excited and loud, often losing control of her volume. She loves to draw and play videogames as well as play bass guitar. Has played bass guitar since she was 10. She is smart and very good at things that have to do with school. Tends to speak her mind and is very blunt; so she can say things she shouldn't necessarily say out loud. When she does this, she tends to feel bad when she knows she has overstepped her boundaries. She is headstrong and adamant in her beliefs; she almost never admits when she is wrong even if she knows that she is and is extremely competitive. When she knows she is wrong, she often bluffs just keep her composure. She is extremely loyal to everyone she knows.

One of her other big flaws is she gets jealous extremely easily. Has a problem with authority figures that she doesn't think have the right to tell her what to do ex] football coach trying to tell her how to shoot a basketball right. May seem like she is tough on the outside but is very sensitive. She has a large sense of humor and will laugh at almost anything, especially when she is nervous. She loves to tell jokes and most people find her funny. Is extremely ticklish.

Is almost always seen eating a lollipop, especially when she plays videogames. She constantly eats them, even though her friends are always telling her that they will rot her teeth, which continue to be flawless. 

She hates to be alone, unless she is playing videogames, but prefers to play with others or at least with other people with her.

Takes pride in her ability to figure out who the bad guy is in crime shows before the characters do.

Tends to like the "bad boys" which always tends to end badly; she always gets her heart broken. Unfortunately for her, even though she tries not to fall for them, she just ends up doing it over and over again. She usually can't hold in her feelings long and often ends up confessing to those she likes. Recently though, she has tried to stop that.


  • Chocolate
  • Dogs
  • Basketball
  • Fish (Sushi and Sashimi too :) )
  • Math
  • Videogames (lol DUH!!! :P )
  • Blue
  • Martial arts
  • Baking
  • Little kids
  • Lollipops
  • BATMAN!!!
  • Crime shows
  • Manga/Anime


  • Stupid people
  • Brown
  • Celery
  • People who think videogames are a waste of time
  • Not being able to play videogames


  • Being alone
  • Wasps & bees


  • Sticks tongue out a little when she laughs (and when she concentrates real hard on things)
  • Biting fingernails
  • Chewing lower lip
  • Sticks tongue out when shooting in basketball
  • Interrupting people when they talk (She feels bad afterwards)


Ulzzang: Park Yong Hee 1. 2. 3. 4.

Style: Punk/Tomboy most of the time, but can dress girly if she REALLY feels like it

Avatar Outfit: High boots (approx. up to knee), fingerless gloves that end at the elbow, trench coat (similar to Dante's from Devil May Cry)

Avatar Type: Swordsman or Gunner (if there is already a swordsman)

Weapon: Dual samurai swords (swordsman) or dual guns (gunner)


Your relationships;

Love interest: Joon

Personality of that person: His two main hobbies are playing video games and working out, both of which he are his escapes from stress. Women are often attracted to him, but just for his appearance (he is ripped). Whenever he goes out with people, he learns they just like him for his looks and they often leave when they learn he plays video games, making him weary about telling people about that. He can be very silly and obnoxious, especially when around his friends, but gets more serious when around people he doesn't know well. At times, he is very clumsy, often causing him to feel embarrassed around people, especially Saya, who he has a small crush on that eventually grows larger and larger. He often stays up all night playing video games, but denies it whenever anyone asks. His bad habit of staying up all night playing video games tends to make him late to his job. Saiko often covers his shift for him because she doesn't want to lose her only friend that she works with (you can pick the job, I was thinking a bakery or something like that). His friends often about how she always does stuff for him and try to get him to make her do more (which isn't very nice). He doesn't like this because he has a strong view on what is right and wrong. When he gets mad, he scares his friends because he is often silly and playful. When serious, people know not to mess with him.

How you guys interact: Just acquaintances at first; he is her neighbor in her apartment building (they also work together). They go to the gym together sometimes to work out. Neither of them mentions that they play video games because they don't want the other to think that that is all they do. They run into each other often, but mainly see each other in the gym and their apartment building. They get along well and never run out of things to talk about. They are both extremely random and loud, making it easy for them to get along. They like to joke around together a lot. Joon, being extremely clumsy, is often embarrassed around her. They both have small crushes on each other, but don't admit it to each other, causing them to feel awkward around the other at times.

Meetup: Other than around the gym, the apartment, and work, they assist each other during a boss fight at first after running into each other multiple times in the game (not knowing who the other is). After defeating the boss, Joon decides to ask to meet up in person. After agreeing to this, they pick a time and place (a cafe maybe) and meet up. They do not know that it is them until later. One of them is at the cafe first and sits to talk to the other when they see who it is and end up talking to each other for quite a while. They both forget that they were supposed to be meeting someone but figure out it is each other when they bring up the subject. (You can change this if you don't like it :P )


Backup love interest: Donghae (Super Junior)

Backup personality: He is very silly and immature most of the time and is often found messing around with his friends. His playful nature often gets him labeled as immature, which isn't entirely true. He can be serious at times. His dream is to become a father. He is extremely sensitive and cries very easily. He plays video games, but isn't necessarily good at them. Saya often goes over to help him develop his skills in multiple games. He enjoys playing the games but doesn't always get enough time to play. He manages a bakery, leaving him almost no time for himself. He dances to get his mind off of stress and work. He likes to watch action and animated movies, especially Finding Nemo. His nickname is fishy because his name means East Sea.

How you guys interact: They act very silly towards each other and are both very playful, often teasing each other. They love to play video games and watch movies together. They often eat out together and watch movies, but neither of them consider it anything close to a date. Their friends tease them about how much they are together, but neither of them cares much about their teasing. 

Backup meetup: They often meet up for Saya to help him improve his video game skills. They also see each other often at his bakery; she loves to go eat there.


Best friend: Kyo Jackson, 22. Met in high school. They bonded over anime and manga. She is very rambonctious and random, even more so than Saiko. She is the one who gave Saya the nickname "Saiko". They both would do anything for each other and are almost always together. Kyo does not play video games though. She doesn't have the attention span to. She loves animals and often brings her dog to Saya's appartment.They both get on each other's nerves at times, but never get seriously mad at each other. Kyo teases Saya all the time when it comes to guys, but when one of them hurts Saya, Kyo goes all whoop on them. She will hurt anyone that hurts her friends. 

Enemy: Jess Cai, 25 years old : A hot-head who hangs out with some of her friends, making it impossible to avoid him, especially since MOST of her friends are guys. He is mean to her because he likes her, but won't admit to anyone. He thinks he is better than her and everyone else he knows at video games. It usually true though, but he lets his skill cloud his playing at times and gets overly frustrated when he loses. He has more natural talent than practice, which is why Saiko can beat him.


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