Loving 100% and BAP's cute nose jobs~!

To be honest, 100% impressed me with their debut song.  When I heard it, I really liked it.  I really loved their "Bad Boy" dance MV, but guess what? I actually get to watch them on Music Bank before I got to really watch the MV.  I was actually pretty impressed with their live performance so I decided to check out their MV which made me love them more because I could clearly see their choreography and how they're just so synchronized~


Now, they've released "Still Again" MV and it's just so hilarious~! XD One of them crossdressed <3 and the rest liked the crossdresser XD So many lovey-dovey scenes <3 My fangirl self is happy~!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!  I hate the fact that I can't really differentiate their faces much @_@ and don't know a single name yet XD but I swear I'll be watching out more of them and shall be learning bit by bit.  I heard they'll be having a variety show with Teen Top soon.  I'm definitely looking forward to that.


I kept telling myself that I should learn more about Teen Top and Infinite too and still haven't gotten around to it X________X  but I love their songs nevertheless @_@  Same with Beast ^^;;;


Sigh~ if only I have all the time in the world @_@  Luckily, there's no overtime at work today.  We were just given extra files to finish so I only got to extend 30 minutes at work~ <3


As for BAP, check out their nose jobs~!


They truly are cute aliens *_________*  I'm especially loving Yongguk, Jongup, and Zelo's pictures <3  Yongguk, you can be very cute when you want to~!!! Just... don't use your voice XD  Himchan looks cute  and scary at the same time XD 


I'm so excited to watch their live performance *___* I want to see their choreography and what the heck are they going to come up with~ 


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LOL Those nose jobs, are quite interesting.
LovingKitty #2
Omg lol u should learn Teen Top so u can write fics about them esp. Rickjoe lol luv them and the band of course. ^_^
Oh yongguk looks perfect XD
Youngjae has a tiny nose
Genius in who ever did these XD
hae_ki #4
yuh~ nice pud ang 100% sa arirang ko kadungog ana nila...

awwww~ ka.cute sa mga nosejobs lol lol cute kaau kang jongup ug zelo!!!! kang yongguk pd! close jud kaau sa alien XD
memoire- #5
eue Unnie! I've heard of 100% before but haven't got the time to watch their mv. eoe Now you have mentioned, Imma go and watch their mv now and you seriously must learn more about Teenfinite! They are darn awesome and I'll love you more if you can write fics about Teenfinite! <3 Oh my poor fangirl heart~
the one who be the girl is HyukJin.. they are crazy.. before this on Teen Top Rising 100%, Rockhyun being a girl and there is another one.. they are really beautiful funny~~ XD
and the show is TEEN TOP & 100% Rising Brother if I'm not mistaken..

BANGDAELO are the closest ALIEN face... they are cute!!!
but i like my Jae Potter the best!!!