My Life in HELL!

GAWD!! Ever since my Third year at high school began I've been feeling like i'm in hell! Yeah right! 

Projects here. Projects there. Memorize this. Memorize that. Review! Review! Must keep my grades up! Aish! and now, i'm practically having a major headache trying to memorize this 4-page 'talumpati'. AISH! 

i just want all of it to end.. D: 


Now it's monday again (it's 12 AM and i'm still here infront of my PC). Time to prepare myself for an another Heck of a Week! 




Sorry for the 'rant'. I just  want to let out what i'm feeling right now. 


*breathes in deeply* HWAITING! (for me... Hope that'll help)


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StarMElaine #1
Thanks for the encouraging comments! :D Well, so far so good, today we knew our scores regarding our first periodical tests and i got some 'not-so-bad' scores. But I still need to memorize that talumpati thingy. It really is getting on my nerves now, i'm still stuck on the first page... AISH! <br />
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kim_seul_young #2
you can do it dongsaeng! I had the same experiences when I was in high school. You can do it!<br />
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It's all worth it in the end!
babytaexox267 #3
i know how u feel when i was in high school