Application for SM Paradise :3


SM Paradise Application Form! 


AFF Username: Sooolon1995

How may I address you?: Soolon, Sofie


Character's Information:

Name: Im HwaYoung

Nicknames: Ice, princess Im (haha)

Stage name: HwaYoung

DOB: 03-02-93

Age: 18

Hometown: Helsingborg, Sweden

Ethnicity: Swedish-korean (Not too crazy right..?)

Languages: Swedish (fluent), English (fluent), Korean (Almost fluent), japanese (basic)

Weight: 45 kg

Height: 168 cm

Character appearance: ( A/N - I Learned how to put up pictures! Sorry if there's too many...)



Style: A "clean" style but with many colors, and some vintage elements at times (a little like what she's wearing on the pictures above) :

This is another example:



Personality: Funny, clumsy, honest, simple minded and mischevious. A little immature, but because she's pretty smart she's also funny and mischevious. She loves to play around with other people, and she loves attention. She's not the aegyo attention kind of immature though, in fact she sees aegyo as a very very VERY last secret weapon. She thinks cuteness and attractiveness is the best when it's not too obvious. (Does that even make sense though?) She loves her family and misses them a lot, so she also have her own little " Back home..." Moments where her eyes go blank and she's lost in her own world.

HLDF: Hobbies: swimming, playing the guitar, playing ukulele, composing songs,

           Likes: Bright colours, MUSIC, Dark rooms (?), Guys, Dogs, Sleeping and Nice people, 

           Dislikes: Spiders (fear), Overly aegyo using, Fake people, cats (fear) and waking up early.

Trivia: Blood type B, Was obsessed with princesses in her childhood, she'd rather forget about that phase (too aegyo-ish) but she still loves princesses...

Weakness: Attention greedy, a bit possesive of her friends since (this is another weakness) she doesn't make friends easily since she's often seen as rude and cocky because of her honesty and simple minded-ness.

Family Background: Mom (Swedish), Dad (Korean), Also a one year younger sister named Hee young. All of them are really close, Hwa Young is closest to her mom though. The sister has epilepsy and Hwa Young cherished and was a bit overprotective about her. She got her funnyness from her father. She lives away from her family who won't live in korea until Hee young has finished her studies in sweden. She lives with her (Kinda rich) uncle in Seoul. (He's never home, they're not really close) A/N - Ask me about anything regarding the epilepsy! My real sister have it so...



Position: Main Vocal, Lead Vocal, Lead dancer

Persona: Ice pricess (Or Awkward Royal.. haha)

Number of Training Years: 3 years

How were you discovered: Auditioned... 



Love interest: Minho, Jonghyun, Siwon

How did you meet?: they will meet (or have met, you decide) when practising in the SM building and she won't recognize him at first and cause and misunderstanding that led to them talking a lot- and making them think of one another all the time. (Sorry if it's messy)

How you treat each other: First they disliked eachother, but then they started to understand one another, they like eachother but are too stubborn to realise it. Soon it's a "Wanna be more than friends!" relationship.

Friends: She have her best friend Soo Hee, met her in school and they are like sisters. They usually watch dramas, sing karaoke och just talk when they hang out. She's a loyal friend and she trusts and belives her friends no matter what. Which is why she hates false people, if she's betrayed, she really gets hurt. She gets close to another bandmember, (but can I fill this in if I'm choosen and the other bandmembers are up so I can create something real good?) A/N- sorry about that...

Rival: I don't know the bandmates yet! But a member that's really sophisticated and charismatic, perhaps? But never a mean kind of rivalry. Though she might enjoy playing around and pranking her..

Why: A Little jealousy, but also that Hwa Youung want to be her friend, she kinda like her, but that is a fact she's not really aware of herself.



Storyline: When she confesses her obsession with princesses and her friends and bandmembers laugh their heads of, and when she's betrayed by her best friend (So Hee), but it turns out to be a misunderstanding. (Imagine the drama!! Aaaiiish :3)

Songs: Love :               

                Friends (Um, the importance is the betrayal):


Any other things I missed out?:  Nope :3


Suggestion: figuresk8s! (She's the Ice pricess...) (If for the group itself; Adam&Eve?)



Hope I get choosen! :D<3


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