The Last

Oh my goodness! First blog post! Eeeekkkk :D SO EXCITED. 

lol okay so this first one is about a youtube video I watched recently. It is soo......well written and it flows so well. Pretty darn gosh amazing if I would like to say so myself ^^

It is all and finding yourself through the different people before you. That's what I got from the video.

I got that your life and who you truly are are determined by the people you have encountered. :D Haha its so....idk. It gives me an enlightening feeling :) Check it out! :D Idk how to post videos DX so heres the link :D hehe enjoy.

It's by Wongfu productions if you know who they are. They make a lot of videos and there are several that are pretty nice and deep :)

P.S. LOL. The video has a sort of cheesy, cute ending but I don't really mind because I AM IN SUCH A GOOD MOOD. :D Church school does so much for my little soul. ^^ 

P.P.S. OMG. Have you guys all heard SNSD's new japanese single? WOOP WOOP FLOWER POWER. The lyrics are soooo different from what they normally go for. The song has a sort of message about society and girls and IDK ITS AMAZING. It's one of those songs that aren't that good when you first listen but now I am SO into it. XD The choreography is okay as well,...kind of Paparazzi style but you know XD They all look pretty nice too :D (cept for Sunny with that really awkward wig >.< poor Sunny bunny).

other than that I have no qualms :) haha it has an electronic sound to it again and don't freak out at the beginning LOL your speakers are NOT dead! The video just doesn't have sound at the beginning XD Here's the link! :D


OH. And just because I love SNSD and Hyoyeon is such a gorgeous lady (especially after her hairstyle change to blonde). Check out Maxstep as well - haha the dance is sophisticated and really clean :D haha It's really...different with a boy-girl mixed group. AND to think this was all for Hyundai? XD WOOP. She just looks so classy :D for some weird reason. Even when busting out all those moves :D haha kay.

OMG. KAI AND TAEMIN AND LUHAN AND HENRY AND EUNHYUK. You guys are all killing meeee :D I love Taemin's hair. It is soooo. attractive XD And Seriously. Henry. Stop it with your voice. Because I am about to roll over and freaking die. Luhan? Your dancing skills are up there man :D and your voice? TOTAL PACKAGE BABY. I like your red hair thar Eunhyuk ;) and Kai. Must I say more? Kai is just. Kai.  


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