Empty street

Empty Street For some people... this just an empty street. for some people... there is more moment to remember from this empty street.

sometimes alot of people walk on this street. sometimes just one person walk on this street. sometimes there is no ones walk on it. for you this is just a street. for me this was an empty lonely street. for someone this is a special street. for the other...

there are alot of different stories in this street. if this street can talk. it will told you.... alot of stories.... happiness,sadness,loneliness, curious,tiredness,depression, love stories,broken heart stories,family stories,and friendship but street can't say a word. it just silent keep your secret safe. it just remember clear for each steps. and this street still waiting for another stories. *hmm..it was long enough i didn't write for my blog :') *


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nevermind authornim~~
i'm not forcing you to write it..
just proceed with your current story or idea...

*however, if you have any intention to write it out..do inform me okay? ^.^
@bpholic woah..that was good idea
but my brain blank from idea now XD
hmm..wait until i found those words for
write it out ok ^_~
ehehe,,, i suggest uri bigbang!!!
you can make it as non idol fic....
:p ..
@bpholic XD ouch..new idea?
hmmm...i don't know too~
hahaha..if it was Yes,then who will be the
main character?! o_O
(^.^")\ hohoho
a new story idea?
i hope so...
because it seems interesting to read story based from the street...