Speech and Drama~ >_



Another blog. It may , so, yeah. >_<


Is anyone in Speech/Drama class? Well, I am. For years, we haven't had the best teacher since I live in a small town (with 600 or less) and our school is all about sports (which our sports teams are pretty legit). I am no sports fan! I HATE SPORTS! Well, some...and well, I like acting.


I am a shy person though. Well, I was..


So, we got a new teacher last year (but I wasn't there last year..) and she is...cool? Well, she likes to compete (correct spelling?!) and is super serious about our class. She is out there and random and a good actor herself, but there's a catch with me...I love acting. I love to perform. My shell has cracked and I am our there, too, being more unshy...but in that specific class...with the Junior and Seniors (who I have known my whole life) I panic and have anxiety attacks..I am serious! That class makes me soooo nervous, and I don't know why. I am confident two seconds before it is my turn to walk to the front and recite what we were supposed to remember...today...I did that...confident..happy...and guess what...




I was shaking and nervous and just...





Afterwards, I talked to her and she said she knew I was a good actor..heck, I remember the script...every word besides two..I am the best student..but yet, I panic with my classmates.



I will try again tomorrow.



Did I mention what I have to memorize?


It is called:


Cinderella YE----OOOW!


It is a twist on the original 'Cinderella' story..it is basically a hillbilly version..and I don't do hillbilly well.


For a girl raised in Southeastern Oklahoma who lives around hicks (hillbillies), I sure hate it!!


And don't go and be all stereotypical and stuff saying we all have Southern accents and dress like cowboys and crap...or I will punch you in the FACE!

It probably wouldn't hurt though..I am not strong or tough.


And NO! we do not all live on farms and ride horses and go to rodeos, etc, etc, etc..!


I dress up. I avoid rodeos and stuff in that area. I hate farms. I have had chickens, cows, goats, as pets, but that was then. This is NOW.



One thing though, about my town (and this is totally off subject~) is that everyone is RACIST! No one can go a day without commenting about another race harshly. I am seriously like, "WTF?!"


I can't even mention Korean things or kpop..NOOOO~!


Damn hillbillies...



Annyeong~! <3 ^_^


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