New Friends?

So... I would like to make new friend.

I thought about how I have added friends on AFF, but I never talk to any.

So I think I should introduce myself. [Basically copied my About Me and add some. XD]

Name: Henry

Nickname: Hen, Chubby cheeks, RBM, Cheeks Oppa, etc..

Age: Freshly turned 19! Wooo! XD

Favorite Foods: Pocky, Hello Panda, Mochi, Green Tea Ice Cream, Just about anything sweet, and more

Favorite Music: I like music all around. Spanish, English, German, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.

Currently Doing: My best at procrastinating. I'm supposed to be doing homework, which is a 10 page paper, and my Chinese workbook.

Would Like: For you to go to my wall, possibly add me, and please introduce yourself. :D



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ChubbiMilk #1
Bleeh. I know we barely talk:c Haha, so you want me to call you Henry?Oppa? Haha>< idk.
:) on my way~
Dynamic #3
But what if we already know each other, hyung? XD
Shhhhhhhhhhh! haha