Happy Christmas, JunShin


She curls up at the corner of her bed. The room is shrouded in darkness, only a trace of light coming through from the gap under the door. She hugs her knees to her chest,  her head down. Her shoulders shake silently, her blouse wet from tears. Her phone just keeps vibrating and her ringtone continues playing. It never seems to stop. Her fingers wrap around the phone, clenching it tightly. She lets go of it and attempts to pry the phone open, wanting so desperately to take out the battery.
"Stupid phone, why won't it open?!"
Her fingernails scratch the battery cover by accident. Her nails crack and blood starts to leak out. She doesn't care. She just continues prying it open. Finally, she gets too frustrated by it and throws the phone—now partially soaked in her blood— on the wall. The battery cover drops open and the battery falls out. Her phone stops ringing. She buries her face in her hands, not bothering about the blood.
Great expectations lead to great disappointments. Everything she wants, everything she needs, all come to nought. Nothing, absolutely nothing left. She feels as if her soul had been wrecked. What is this emptiness inside her? This emptiness is killing her from the inside. There's only this much left in her—tears and a shattered soul. She might really go insane from all this.
She had once dreamed of a happily ever after, once dreamed of Prince Charming. She let out a bitter laugh, which sounded more like a violent cough. Everything vanished, taken harshly away from her. Her once warm, snug world became freezing cold. She's but a shadow compared to her previous self. Nothing but a shell that once contained a cheerful, lively girl who used to laugh heartily. She can hear him, repeating the same sentence over and over again, his expression painfully contrite.
"JunShin, it's not what you think,"
Her eyes saw what she should have seen a long time ago. Nappeun namja. Bad guy. That's what he is. A really bad guy who breaks the hearts of little girls like her. And that's absolutely accurate; She's nothing but a little girl. A weakling. Her head was up in the clouds the whole time. And yet, she still wants to be guided into his embrace, wants to hug him so tightly and never let go. She still wants his love.
Her hands make their way to her phone. She fixes the battery in place and turns the phone on. 15 messages and 12 missed calls. 
She wants to cry.

His hands tug at his hair in frustration. His phone on the table, after dialing her number countless times. He loves her so much, why can't she see that? An absolute misunderstanding. He clenches his fist, trying to hold in his anger. Yes, he's definitely angry. It's a misunderstanding. A stupid, dumb misunderstanding that shouldn't affect their relationship. After all, they have a promise to keep.


"Sung Jong~ Will you love me forever and ever?"
"Of course!" He answered confidently.
"What if we have misunderstandings, arguments?"
"Then let's promise that we will listen to each others' views and opinions when that happens. Okay?"
He held out his pinky. She hooked her pinky with his. With that, their promise was made.
He sighs for the umpteenth time. She promised to listen to him, but now, he doesn't even have the chance to explain himself. He swears that he doesn't know the girl and has never laid his hands on her—or any other women, for that matter. It just so happens that a girl randomly comes in to interrupt his conversation with his friend. And she decides to seduce him, thinking she can earn more money. And it just so happens that his girlfriend barges in, witnessing everything, thinking that he's cheating on her.
Pure coincidence—and a little bit of bad luck.
She just doesn't want to answer her phone. He racks his brains, thinking of ways to see her, and actually explain what happened. His phone vibrates and his ringtone comes to life. He smiles, a genuine one. His ringtone is his girlfriend singing 'Jingle Bells'. It had been recorded last Christmas, without her knowing. He shakes his heads, realizing that today is Christmas Eve.
And an idea forms at the back of his head.
He rings up several of her friends and tells them about his situation. They agree to his plan and promises to bring her there.
He stuffs his hands into his pocket. He hopes that his plan will work.

"I'm not in the mood, Sooyoung,"

"Come on! Just go please? Woohyun will be there with me. Soo Jung and Ji Young will be there too. Just come okay? Let's celebrate Christmas together!"
" Ugh, Choi Sooyoung, you're incorrigible,"
"That's why I'm so much fun. See you,"
She places her phone in her pocket and trudges along to the meeting place. Why the hell would people celebrate Christmas at a park? She curses Sooyoung for forcing her out—She's definitely not in the mood. But she has to admit though, the fresh air is good for her. It makes her feel calm, more serene. When she arrives, there is no one.
". Did Sooyoung trick me again? Or are they late as usual?" She mutters.
"Happy Christmas, JunShin."
She hears the voice from behind and spins around. She sees Sung Jong standing there, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Roses, to be exact. Her favorite flower. She feels the tears in her eyes.
No, no, no. Not now. Not after he had broken her heart.
She darts out of the park, running as if her life depended on it. He drops the flowers and chases after her.
"JunShin! Wait! Didn't we promise that we would hear each other out?!"
"That was before you cheated on me, Sung Jong!"
She reaches a dead end and he approaches her with caution.
"Stop! Stop right there! Don't come any closer!" She shakes her head desperately, crying.
Stubborn, he continues to come closer to her. Her knees buckle and her legs give way. She collapses to the ground. She hugs her knees to her chest. His eyes widen in surprise.
"Stop. Stop. No. Not now. Don't tell me that you love me. Don't hug me. Don't kiss me. Don't come near me. Not now. Not after you broke my heart. Not when my heart is still trying to heal. Not when I'm trying to forget you! No!"
"JunShin. It was a misunderstanding! She tried to seduce me! She popped out of nowhere, interrupted my friend and I. I didn't touch her! Not even a hair! You promised to listen, to trust me, JunShin."
"JunShin. I love you. Forever and ever."
She sounded weak and fragile and all he wants to do is to wrap her in his arms, forget everything and kiss her.
And he did.
"Happy Christmas, JunShin."


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