Four Seasons Application:KimMinJoo [Day]





Nae Ireumi: Tami
Season: Winter
Thoughts of The Season: 
Winter is the season where families have a bonding, snce Christmas and New Years are among this seasons. I  personally like winter, it a season where i feel most happy and excited (Christmas). 
Name: Kim Minjoo
Age: 17
Birtday: 12/24/95
Height/Weight: 164cm / 55kg
Nationality: Korean
Ethnicity: Korean 
Hometown: Seoul, Korea
Bloodtype: O
Back-Up Voice:
Elly/L.E (just the rap part...sorry)
Languages you can speak: 
  • Korean (fluent)
  • English (fluent)
  • Japanese (Converstaional)
Ulzzang: Kwon Sư Jeong
Ulzzang Tumblr Blog/Galleries: 
I Want You Back
Minjoo have this awkwardness in her when you first got to know her. She do things that are unpredictable and you will never know what she's thinking. Some might think that the thing she doing is weird or unladylike like. She might think that she's a spoiled brat or a prick. Some might thinks she bi-polar, especially her brother Moonsoo, but that just who she is. So never judge a book by its cover. ;)
Once she settle down and got to know you better, she'll open up to you and be her true self. The outgoing and loud and silly Minjoo will come out. This Minjoo will always bring a smile on your face due to her silliness, yet it can make feel total embrassing. She is a trustworthy and honest person, who will always be there for when you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. Minjoo knows her words, so she tends to give lots of advices when needed.
Minjoo has a very weak heart. She don't tends to hold grudges and can't hold one really. She gets emotional easily and would cries if she is fraustrated or sad or when she doesn't feel well. But yet, she have a very weak spot for kids and adores them, to no extent. 
Minjoo isn't a perfect being, she have her own flaws.  One of things tht she isnt so happy about is her temper and how easy she could pissed off. Once she's mad she will be very blunt and never think twice about what she saying. She would always regret what she says but is to stubborn to apologize. Her stubbornness would be the death of her one day, so she think. Sometimes when she knows she cross the line she would up her pride and say sorry. She will never do things that's against her will. If she was to be wrongfully blamed/accused, she would argue until she wins even if the matter is small.
  • Soondubu jjigae; loves it so much that she would get it everytime she go out and eat. 
  • Spicy foods; if she would dies from the hotness, she would still eat it.
  • Photography; like her brother she love to catch all the beautiful scenes if its every possible.
  • Sports; she like to be in actions and tends to serious about it.
  • STARBUCKS!; would get some evry chances she gets.  
  • Moonsoo; because he annoys her and they would bicker everytime they see each other.
  • Bugs (spiders); would scream to the top of her lungs when she sees and bugs. 
  • When people get into violent argument; stated in phobia.
  • Being sick; she hates feeling so weak andvulnerable. 
  • Mono-phobia: fear of being alone; when she's by herself her insecurities build up, wondering how those who around feels about her, why is she here, and she would sometime feel as if someone is stalking her. Dx
  • Physical violences; she gets very un-comfortable when she witness a fight or violent arguement. She feels as if it gonna get out hand and someone gonna get hurt. She would sometimes stop the fight/arguement even if she's scared. 
  • Being in a dark bathroom; she dislike the idea of being in the bathroom while its dark. It weird but she would always feel as if someone is gonna get her.
  • unlike her brother, she's a light sleeper; would wake from the slightest sounds. 
  • No one knew her brother was Myungsoo until he mention his in a twitter post.
  • Learned rapping and dancing from Hoya and Dongwoo; during her time at Woolim she spend so much time with YaDong and got interested in rapping and dancing that she wanted to learn more.
  • Tends to have days where she's get emotional; sometimes out of no where she have a sad feelings at the pit of her stomach.
  • Shivers when mention or see bugs; for some odd reasons afted the sight or mention of bug she would have the shiver. 
  • Get sick very easily; since she was young, Minjoo have a weak immune-system.
  • When she really don't feel we'll she would cry; the icky feeling you get when you're sick bothers her alot.
  • Sports
  • Taking Selca
  • Rapping
  • When nervous she would becomes jittery.
  • Bite nails un-consciencely when she is thinking. 
  • Screams a loud, high pitch voice. (When being scared)
She grew up in a house with a father and mother along with her two older brothers. She grew up with everything she needs. Her family was rather wealthy, not to little not to much. Being and surround by a house hold of men she was be well watch over. Though there was family quarrels, her family is what you would consider the perfect/happy family.
Her father was usually away due to work, he still treats her like a princess. He would adores and be very protective of her because she's the only daughter. He would send her brothers after her to make sure she safe and out of harms. Sometimes her would do weird nd silly things to make his princess happy when she's upset and frowning. People might think its embrassing but to her is to most precious thing a father can do for his daughter.
She have a very good relationship her mother and her brother Myungsoo. Her mother is a person who know exactly what her children wants and need. She was always there for her children, to support and to give her motherly love. She taught Minjoo many things that she would need to know about how to survive in this world as a women. She taught her how to cook, boys, way of thinking of life and others, and many more.
Her older brother, Myungsoo, is the kind of brother that every girl would wish for. He was always there for her weather she needed a shoulder to cry on or when she needed support he was there. Though he is awkward infront of other, he would always show his true side to friends and family. He s usually the peace-maker between Minjoo and Moonsoo.
Moonsoo, the second oldest brother, and Minjoo is consider the cat and dog of the family. They would be at each other neck all the time. Moonsoo is the type of brother who would rather die then show his sister he cares for her. Even though he doesn't show it he cares for her alot and is ver protective of her in his own ways. Everytime she get sick he is the one who cares the most, more than Myungsoo if that ever possible, he wouldn't be able to sleep without checking on her every 5seconds. 
Kim Hyunsoo || Father || Close || 48 || Bussiness || living
Han Jooyeon || Mother || Best friend || 40 || House wife || living
Kim Myungsoo || Oldest brother || best friend || 20 || Idol - Infinite || living
Kim Moonsoo || Second oldest brother || Love-Hate || 18 || Ulzzang || living
Close Friends: 
Kim Sunggyu || 23 || Meet when Minjoo was a Woolim trainee, he was like another brother to her.
Lee Sungyeol || 20 || Her brother's best-friend, get along quite well but he does annoyed her with his dorky side. 
Lee Howon (Hoya) || 21 || When she was she was a Woolim trainee, though he was like an awkward turtle he was a great helper when she need help with her dancing.
Moon Jongup || 17 || He her sunbae and desk-mate
Lee Soojung (Baby-Soul) || 20 || When Minjoo was a trainee, she was put in the same group as Soojung. They have a very good relationship. Unnie-Dongsaeng.
Rival: Suzy
Age: 18
Minjoo was a fan of Suzy. They meet once back-stage and Suzy gave her such an attitude, which cause her to dislike Suzy. After that fans put them up as rival for their skills and for their looks. Also after finding out Minjoo was Myungsoo's baby sister, Suzy started to kiss up on her and Minjoo didn't like that.
Love Interest: JR (JJ Project)
Age: 18
How you met:
In dance class and they also went to the same school.
The way you fall for him/ he fall for you:
Since they were dancing partner for Ms. Lee class, they have to figure their won dance move. But they always seem to disagree on each other idea. So one night when stayed after hours to practice, Minjoo tripped over JR feet and of them fell down, she landed on top of him. She pecked him on the lips and she told him she likes him. but he rejected her and with thst she ran out the room. Since that day JR haven't seen Minjoo in class and he actually missed her.
A Confession: 
JR couldn't stop thinking about the incident or where she could've been. Until he saw her down at her locker one day. He tried to  talk to her but she just merely ignored him and when to class. He couldn't stand it anymore so he when to her class and kept he back to talk. All she did was stared at him as he talks. Noticing she was even paying attention to him so he kissed her and wait until she replies to it, she did. He rested his forehead on hers and told her how stupid he was. 
Back-Up Lover Interest: Hoya
How you met:
Was a former WoolimEnt trainee and through Myungsoo.
The way you fall for him/he falls for you:
After all the dancing and rapping lesson with Hoya, Minjoo had find a liking in the awkward yet adorable boy. He might express himself in a weird way but Minjoo thinks its cute. Hoya on the hand like the couragousness that Minjoo had. Though Minjoo acts like a cold-hearted person, but once you melt her heart she the most friendliest person you know and Hoya enjoy that idea of being able to melt her in his own weird ways.
A Confession:
Hoya always wanted to confession to his love with his own compsed song. So he asked his Sunggyu hyung to help him and he sang her the song while playing a guitar. 
(sang: i won't gave up on us: Jason Marz)
StarLight MoonLight
Stage Name: Joo
Personal Fanclub name: Frostbite
Fanclub Colour: white and baby blue
Position: Main Rapper
Back-Up Position: Lead Rapper
Years of being a trainee: 2 years
How your life was like when you were a trainee: 
It was the most hectic time of Minjoo's life. She believe its was the most interesting experiences she ever had. Balancing between training and school was hard but with the support of her friends and family, everything was okay.
How you were casted: 
Minjoo was an original Woolim Ent. trainee but left because she was overwhelm being known as Myungsoo's sister throughout the company. But soon was casted by a manager at TSE from a talent show at school and didn't mention her relation to Myungsoo. 
Personal Talent: 
  • Imitates Myungsoo's glare. ( it looks exactly alike)
  • Speed Rapping
A Description of your character for her profile: 
A mysterious girl who is hard to figure out yet have a god sense of humor. She usually have a poker face but a very nice and radiant smile.
Persona: Mysterious Princess
Talk That
Request for Scenes:
  • Moonsoo&Minjoo moments: arguing and bonding
  • Infinite& Minjoo moments
Suggestions for the Group:
  • Have them live in the same building as Infinite or B.A.P.
  • Have have a collab using 'if you love me'
  • we can some of co-ed school's song for the whole group.
Thing you would like to add/missing in the application form: 
Myunggie :)
Onew :D


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Me? Funny? You are like the second person to say that. And the first is my sister. XD.
Thanks for editing ^^
Yeah. So I can write how she acts in the story. Meh. I gonna think of some possible scene right now XD. I always do that and that write it out. Then I realise how bad I wrote a week later XD. Then I delete it and write a improve version. Lol
Something I only realised after reading a chapter in 'How to be a AFF writing god'
Explain in detail for your phobias, fears and likes.
Have you ever read that story? I actually read like most of it and probably forgot it. I might use some tips in this story. XD
Probably because they look so different. Though, I heard that she has a plastic surgery history.
I truthfully think SuJeong is prettier but Yuri looks more natural.
OK. I don`t think theres anymore problems. Thank you for changing what I asked.
Oh and did you know I heard that your ulzzang is the cousin of Yuri. When I first saw that you chose this ulzzang I was thinking would there be Yuri. But well...
Well. Sorry (DOUBLE SORRY I FEEL BAD DOING THIS) that I asked you to make quite a few changes but... I guess, you shouldn`t use ailee? Cause you know, ailee is known as someone who has extra talented vocals. Probably since your a rapper someonr like CL or Miryo. IDK. Because you know, you are a main rapper.
But well if you would like to stick to ailee, I`m not forcing you.
I forgot to add this in the foreword. Sorry. Since the All rounder and the Triple Threat are almost the same(though there are differences) I can`t have both being on the Day side because you see then it won`t be equal so yeah. I hope you understand me.
Gosh. Onew is so cute...
You know, your character and mine is quite similar. Well, I have already finished my application but I havent added a Application list. Doing it now.
I have a question. Suzy isn`t a rival now it was only after debut right?