Survey One (because others will follow)


Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? 
I have a walk-in closet, and my cat's litterbox is in there, so I have to leave it open.  It's actually in a small alcove with my hotel-sink (outside of the room with my toilet/shower) so it's much less bothersome than it might otherwise be.

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? 
I do.  Technically, if there's any sort of water damage, which often happens, they'll just throw them away.  I keep a set in my "oh kit" in my car -- prepared for all emergencies, I am!

Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Neither.  I don't use any top sheet at all, just a fitted sheet and a comforter.  I have a sleeping disorder (Rapid Eye Movement Behavior Disorder) which causes me to lash out and move a lot in my sleep.  Wake up more than once having a full-blown anxiety attack because various parts of your body are tied up in linens and you don't know why, and you'd forgo the sheet as well.

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Yes!  Well, sort of.  It had already been knocked down in a hurricane, so it wasn't as though it was still up and in use or anything.

Do you like to use post-it notes?
Depends on what I'm using them for, I suppose, but I love having the little buggers on hand.  So useful!

Do you cut out coupons, but then never use them?
I do not, but I do have coupons that have been cut out by other people that I've never used.  

Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Well, neither.  How large a swarm are we talking?  And what sort of bee?  Given the lack of useful information, I will say that I would rather be attacked by a swarm of fifteen honeybees than a single angry bear.

Do you have freckles?
Yes, mostly across the bridge of my nose and on my shoulders.  I have one on the very tip of my right ring finger, thought it's fading.

Do you always smile for pictures?
I don't do pictures.  Ever.  And when forced to, I do not smile.  Cameras are of the devil.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
People.  I tried six different ways to expound on that, with six wholly different ideas.  It always comes back down to "people".  For a brief glimpse into my personality, I suppose: people too lazy to work for what they want, people who abuse systems put in place to help people in need, people who refuse to be proactive in their lives, people who hate music, racists, homophobes, people who attempt to use the excuse "it's how I was raised" as a defense when they are just hurtful and ignorant and choose to stay that way.  People who steal from people they "care" about.  Also people who slurp loudly, chew with their mouths open, and people who don't wear socks with sneakers.  Ew.

Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
I don't, but I used to, especially when I lived on a college campus.

Have you ever peed in the woods?

What about pooped in the woods?
I grew up in the woods.  There isn't a whole lot I haven't done in there.

Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
I do.  I dance to my own singing a lot, and I interpret music in normal sounds (which is occasionally problematic).

Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Not on pencils, but I chew on my pen caps a lot.

How many people have you slept with this week?
Three.  But, um, it's not as bad as it sounds.  It was literally sleeping, not having--with.

What size is your bed?

What is your song of the week?
Fly - Monkey Majik

Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Why would it be otherwise?

Do you still watch cartoons?
I'm afraid I don't watch much of anything.  I don't have cable at all, so everything I watch is netflix or youtube, but I did watch some oldschool sonic the hedgehog on a whim.  Ah, the memories.  I will say that I would watch them if I had the opportunity.

What's your least favorite movie?
Ghosts of Mars.  It's the only film I have ever walked out of in theatres, mid-show, when someone else paid for my ticket.  Also Pinnochio.  Creepy puppet bastard.

Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Why would I bury hidden treasure?  I would upgrade my treasure from hidden to in-my-bank-vault (because if it's that much I know I'm going to have to get a vault for it!) and then I would quit my job and write all day every day.  :3  Ah, dreams!

What do you drink with dinner?
Most often, water, but I love lemonade a lot.  I will drink diet coke on occasion, and have been known to have a vodka-and-cranberry.

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Ranch, most often.

What is your favorite food?
Ooh, toughie.  I like curry very much, particularly beef, also salads that have fruit in it.  Mmm.  Tomatoes.

What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Every movie that falls into this category is silly.  Animaniacs: Wakko's Wish, Nightmare before Christmas, Newsies, RENT, Ten Inch Hero, and about a billion stand-up comedies.

Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My boyfriend, Jac.

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
I wasn't a girl scout, but I pretty much was a boy scount, since my older brother was, and I had nowher

Would you ever strip or pose in a magazine?
Probably not.

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
I do this all the time, and always with the best of intentions!  Only...nothing ever gets sent.  *sigh*

Can you change the oil in a car?
I can!  My dad taught me when I was in high school.

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
I did.  I was driving in South Carolina and was pulled over for going 90+ in a 70.  It was writen down to 10 over.  I was trying to pass a swerving semi (semi's scare the mess out of me on the big highway, especially when they don't know how to stay in their own lane), and also fighting w/ my co-driver/friend at the time.  Nerve wracking.

Ran out of gas?
This I have not done, though I have had several near misses.

Favorite kind of sandwich?
Chicken /chicken salad?

Best thing to eat for breakfast?
My roommate and I make this concoction.  It's a sour dough loaf, we cut it half, hollow out the bottom, baste it with olive oil and spices, and bake it.  While that's happening, we saute sage sausage, mushrooms, onions, and peppers, scramble some eggs into the mix, and put the egg/sausage/veggie/happiness mixture into the bread bowl.  We then top off the mess with cheese (we have done varying kinds, and our favorite is gouda, though the most common is mozzarella. Brie was fun, but the wrong brand bubbles up funny - like soap.) and then bake until the cheese browns.  Delish!

What is your usual bedtime?
Being 25 has several advantages, one of them is a lack of bed time, but I aim for about one am when possible, as I am back at work by 8 am.

Are you lazy?
Sometimes, though I wish I weren't.

When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?

What is your Chinese astrological sign?

How many languages can you speak?
Only English, though I can read Latin, Ancient Greek, and modern French passably.

Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Game Informer!  Woo video games!!

Which are better, Legos or Lincoln Logs?
Legos; way more possibilities there!

Are you stubborn?
I am, um, a little too stubborn sometimes.

Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
Erm.  Yes!

Ever watch soap operas?
I sometimes feel like I work inside of one.  Does that count?

Afraid of heights?
No one is afraid of heights.  What we are all (and I definitely include myself in these numbers) afraid of is falling from heights.  *shudders*.

Sing in the car?

Dance in the shower?
I have done this!  It's dangerous!

Dance in the car?
I have done this, too, once accompanied by a tooth brush.  My brother, who was following me, has never let me live it down. 




I have no regrets.

Ever used a gun?
No, but I have ample opportunity.  Maybe someday!

Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
It had to be high school, so at least seven years or so.

Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Sometimes, but who cares?  Musicals are little mental islands of delight, and I adore even those which are cheesy and delicious.

Is Christmas stressful?
It shouldn't be, but it is!  So many gifts to get and making sure that they're all good enough!  I adore Christmas, but it drives me batty, too!

Ever eat a pierogi?
No, but I have eaten a pot sticker!

Favorite type of fruit pie?
Um.  Cherry, I guess.  Coconut cream pie is my absolute favorite though!

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
What didn't I want to be?

Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes and no.

Ever have a deja vu feeling?
Verily!  And sometimes it is eerily accurate.

Take a vitamin daily?
I take a multivitamin, an iron tablet, biotin, and vitamin c.

Wear slippers?
Not often, though I have some Hello Kitty ones my dad got me that I wear just to make him happy.  Silly man.  <3

Wear a bathrobe?
Almost never.

What do you wear to bed?
Boxers and an overlarge shirt, mostly.

First concert?

Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Wal*Mart, given one of my roommates and my brother work at one.


Nike or Adidas?

Cheetos or Fritos?
Cheetos.  Crunch only.

Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Sunflower seeds!

Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
I have not!

Ever take dance lessons?
For about eleven years!

Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
II would like my future spouse to get a real job.  Any real job.  With a future.  And possibility of happiness.

Can you curl your tongue?
Yes!  I can also tie cherry stems with my tongue!

Ever won a spelling bee?
I don't think I've ever participated in one, actually, but I might have won it if I had.  I am good at spelling!

Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
I have!

Own any record albums?
No, sir!

Own a record player?
No, sir!

Regularly burn incense?
Yes, sir!  I have a lovely stash of cinnamon incense that is delectable.

Ever been in love?

Who would you like to see in concert?
SHINee would be absolutely fun, but I would have to bring my roommates with me!

What was the last concert you saw?
The same as my first.  Not my choice, but had a remarkably good time, despite.

Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot.  Hot hot hot.

Tea or coffee?

Sugar or snickerdoodles?
Snickerdoodles.  I'm a cinnamon .

Can you swim well?
Well enought that I will not drown!

Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
Yes, I can, and I find it ceaselessly amusing when other people can't.

Are you patient?
It depends wholly on what I'm being patient for, but I am very much an "instant gratification, I want my pressie and I want it now" type of perosn.

DJ or band, at a wedding?
I don't want a big wedding at all, so probably a DJ.

Ever won a contest?
A couple, but none with particularly deep importance.

Ever have plastic surgery?
Surgery, yes.  Plastic, no.

Which are better, black or green olives?
Black, but I don't like olives very mch at all.  Given the option:  Pickles!

Can you knit or crochet?
I can crochet and make amigurumi, and have been trying very hard to learn how to knit.  I am finding it impossible.

Best room for a fireplace?
Living room for practicality, bedroom for the fact that I'm a recluse.  Or a library!  But since my bedroom practically is a library, that still works.

Do you want to get married?
I want to be married.  I don't know that I want to get married.  The whole wedding to-do is more than I want.  Also, I'm commitment-phobic.

If married, how long have you been married?
Not married.

Who was your high school crush?
A boy named Dexter.  He certainly wasn't the only, but he was the most noteworthy.

Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
No.  But I do get my own way.

Do you have kids?
Only my cat Isabel (I call her Izzie!)

Do you want kids?

What's your favorite color?
Green.  A sage-green is my favorite, but green is a beautiful colour.

Do you miss anyone right now?
I miss a lot of people.  I miss my boyfriend right now.  To keep it light, that's as far as we'll go!

Did you watch Next Great American Band on FOX?
No, but I think I remember hearing about it....


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I am quite the fan of green in all it's shades, I must admit! And I feel you for the top-sheet issue. It's troublesome! I don't really get their purpose, to be honest. What are they even there for (besides making it ludicrously expensive to buy really high-end sheets when I only want the fitted sheet)?
<font color="green">Green is wonderful. ;_; ♥
Hehe... ^^ I only have a fitted sheet and a comforter on my bed too. XD When I occasionally have a top sheet, I tend to forget it's there, and it ends up getting kicked down to the foot of my bed...and then abandoned on the floor. XDD</font>