I'm on an idea kick...

I've got ideas galore for some of my stories, its just a matter of typing it up.

But I just had the greatest idea EVER,

i'm going as G-Dragon from Heartbreaker for Halloween. Its final. XD

I'll just tell my parents I'm going as a zombie. and that i'm not terribly zombie-fied cause of my horrible make up skills.

...i need to learn how to use teh dreaded eyeliner...

I'll get a pair of jeans I can sorta rip up [rather than getting the half bleached jeans] and wear my favorite white tanktop [that I happen to be wearing right now] and I'll wear a white sweatshirt/jacket with a red arm band thing. lol I guess I could always find a wig? I'm trying to grow my hair out. At the moment its kinda short but not THAT short. And its not bleached either. So...more reason for a wig. 

Hey hey...friends~how is the eyeliner used? and...mascara...?

Or...a better way to phrase that is:

how do I do it and not look like a retard?

because I know how to use it...its a matter of being good at it and being a ing retard with it...

Me+makeup="i feel " moments



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Try not to look like a Nazi with your red arm band....especially since le bffl ish a jew XP and we could always take a trip to the goodwill store, find a pair of jeans that fit you, then GD 'em up~ XD bleach jeans iz kewl :3
lmfao really now? mickey can help with the makeup XD can i draw the tattoes on your arms?