i'm a ert?

woohoo! i've just came back from hanging out with my friends this evening. it was a wonderful and cherish moments even with such a gloomy wether. it's been a while from the last time i've seen this one of my group members after she'd transfered to a new school started from this year. while waiting for our food to be served, my friend was playing with my tablet and then she'd saw a picture of myungyeol in the second invansion vcr, the one that where sungyeol looked like as if he was kissing with L while eating the peppero or whatever it is called. she was so shocked and she ask me if they were dating each other. it was funny about how innocent my friend was when her face was red when i've showed her infinite bathing scene in you're my oppa. i laughed at her for her innocent and she yelled to me saying that i'm a ert. i don't think that i'm a ert, guess she was too innocent..haha..was it my fault if i like to see a guy's gorgeous body?? ngee~ ;D


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No but people are per s in their own way but guess what I'm also a _______ go Kpop couples form boy bands
if you are one , im one too :) YOU ARE NOT ALONE . Probably i would be the youngest out here who write s -..- and my friends are disgusted about that . well no choice . BECAUSE MYUNGYEOL FTW <3
Hehe trust me ur not _______