Of Grammar Nazis, Stormy Moods and iPods


ANNYEONG! So, yeah, it's my second blog post:D

What should I start off by saying first? Oh yeah, TAETEUK IS THE LOVE~<3 Just kidding, I'm blogging here man, trying to make it interesting for y'all readers! Ok, I'm ranting. Start the gawddamn blogging, Eldrida!


Firstly, I'd like to start off on my pet peeve-STANDs. Yes, STANDs. The ANTI-SNSD PEOPLE=_= It's pretty much obvious that I'm a HUGE SONE, and therefore hate STANDs right? Well....I can tell you, not really. Now, before any rabid SONEs start yelling at me for supporting something that goes against the SONE rule of conduct, shut up man. I actually have some classmates/accquaintances who are STANDs. (Note that none of them are friends lol) But I get along with them well enough. So, actually, most of them are nice people IRL. Except for one, but that's another story. 

STANDs basically stand for Stand Till All Nine Disappear. I'll now proceed to list the reasons why people hate/dislike SNSD, shall I?

NOT IN RANKING: All definitions by the Soshified dictionary by Eldrida

1) Fangirl jealousy-the syndrome commonly found in fangirls below the age of 18, where they have a OPPAR-IS-MINE mentality. Thus, they get jealous when SNSD is close with their OPPARRRRSSSS. (Especially since our Yoong is the ideal type of many men like 2PM's Taec and Khun.)

My response? DEAL WITH IT, GIRLS. Your opparrrrr will probably never know your existence in this world. They'll probably marry some childhood sweetheart who knew them PRE DEBUT or some pretty Korean actress. (Stereotyping here, yo. Some could be gay.) Hating on our girls because they are close with your OPPARSSS is soooo immature I can't even...how old are you people? If you hate them because of these kind of stuff, get off the Internet and play with your Barbies, man. *I know I'm being harsh, but this is one of the most stupid reasons ever*

2) "SNSD is too cute for me, I hate them man. They're all plastic."

My response? Firstly, if you're a kpop fan saying this, all I can say is, BOY, are you one hypocritical . It's common knowledge in Korea that well, plastic surgery is effing COMMON. A simple surgery to fix your eyelids, shape your nose, lipo, man, PLEASE. It's not gonna change their personality! Unless they had a TOTAL face and body makeover like the girl in 200 Pounds Beauty, they had to be PRETTY in the first place for them to look good after PS! And I've seen their pre debut photos. The features are about the same. I'm NOT gonna judge if they had PS or not, cos no one will ever know except for their surgeons, SM and SNSD girls themselves. IDC if they had it done, though. They still look good now and dominating various music charts. Your favourite idols have probably got it done too, gosh. SNSD too cute for you? Oh.My.Goodness. HELLOOOO, newsflash. THIS.IS.KPOP. The cute concept pwns all. Cuteness is one concept done by most girl groups, and SNSD pulls it off, and they're popular! Bitter much that your own idols aren't getting enough attention?


FIrstly, as a huge Taeganger, I'm happy to see that they acknowledge her singing talent, at least. BUT ONE BIG POINT CONTRADICTS YOUR STATEMENT, STANDs. EVERYONE can sing, darlings. Everyone. Even if they sound horrible. HELLO, Yoona auditioned to SM VIA SINGING. She couldn't have gotten in if her singing ! Yes, she's a sort of weak singer like Dara, but they still sound alright! (Better than some rookies nowadays if you ask me) Don't you DARE tell me that the rest of the girls can't sing too. Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny and Seohyun can't sing? Go listen to their solos. Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and Yuri are ok and still acceptable, they can carry a tune well, damnit. Their dancing is GREATTT. The definition of talent is different to everyone, gosh. Yes, the more common fields of talent that are publicly anknowledged are singing/dancing, but how about others? So if you say SNSD is NOT talented, imma slap you. People like Taeyeon and Hyoyeon aren't talented? YOU ARE BLIND, PEOPLE. (The other 7 are just as good, using Taeng and Hyo as examples as they're the best in singing/dancing in SNSD) All of SNSD is talented one way or another, get that in your head. 

4) You just dislike SNSD because of various reasons.

My response? Don't call yourself a ing STAND, it's horrible, hello. DISLIKE=/=HATE.

5) You feel that SNSD is too much of a stereotype and that they're too "girly", too fitting into the stereotype of an ideal Korean girl, too weak.

My response? Look at their variety shows before you talk to me about their supposed girliness. If you really feel their concepts are too cute/girly/too not female empowering and whatnot, shut up and it up. We all know cuteness sells. uality sells too, ALL girl groups play on that concept. If not, why would they sing songs about love?

Now, I'm done with my rant about STANDs.^-^


Firstly, I admit something. I AM A GRAMMAR NAZI. All the way, man. I love English and have been reading widely since young, so my grammar/vocab is decent enough. So, anyway, the main point of my little rant is this---


Ok, I'll admit it. I read ALOT of . So it kinda spoils the fun when I see writers write, "His DUCK entered her *****."

Major newsflash: I'm not reading about animals having . 

I've seen lots of fanfics with atrocious grammar and vocabulary and stuff. I understand, darlings, I understand when you say that you aren't a native English speaker. I know your pain. Or maybe not, since technically, Chinese is my first language but English is my like, favourite and the language I've grown up with. But get a beta reader! PLEASE.

The point is, most of these fics have ATROCIOUS PLOTS to match! Gosh! People, writing fanfics is a little like writing online books. People can read your fics, comment on em', subscribe to them(think of it as buying) So how do you think readers feel when they open a book and find loopholes, grammar and spelling mistakes everywhere? I've seen extremely ridiculous ones like, (AHEM, SHALL NOT NAME NAMES) Like, y'know, the first time they meet, they are SOOO attracted to each other the girl gives up her effin ity to him. /beyondwords

Of course, there are some with good plots but wonky grammar and stuff. Fine, acceptable. But atrocious plots+grammar+vocab? /saveme

i'm sorry I'm ing about people with erm, not-so-good plots and grammar/vocab/stuff, but this is honestly how I feel. I may come off as a bit of a in this blog post simply because well, I'm in an awful mood as of now. Trying to wash away my troubles with U-KISS's Neverland. YES, SHOCK AND HORROR, I listen to other bands beside Super Generation>.<

Anyway, my playlist as of now includes:

SJM's Too Perfect~Chinese and Korean versions, Super Girl

SNSD's Mr Taxi, Let It Rain, Born to be A Lady, Gee ballad version

After School's Shampoo

SJ's Shake It Up, Superman, , Opera, Mr Simple

Eldrida with love, signing out.





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nerdscandy #1
This was amazing :)
I understand where you're coming from with the grammar, and it frustrates me, too, when I have to read a fic with five grammar mistakes per sentence. But you really do have to cut a bit more slack than you are. Some people are on AFF to improve their English. And I know a lot of people think it's just an excuse, but for a lot of these people, the only exposure they've had to English is English class from school. It's like an American writing in Spanish for them, and it's not fair to expect perfect vocab/grammar from everyone on AFF. Plus we're not all professionals, right? :)
That doesn't mean I don't care about my grammar. I do. I care a lot about my story having good, if not perfect grammar, actually. I just feel sad when some people get bashed for their grammar when they don't even speak English on a regular basis.
SaranghaeyoMinhoOppa #3
Haha, eldrida, this is exactly what we can expect from u=) Good vocab, good sarcasm, and good grammar.... yet insulting towards the STANDs. Way to go=)