I might need glasses o.o

For the last week or so, I've had a more or less constant head ache. It has been very nasty at times and I've had problems focussing on anything. Today it was particularly bad and my eyes hurt so much, it felt like they were going to pop out of my head or something. Anyway, my friend gave me a pair of reading glasses a billion years ago, because I kept stealing the boys in my class's glasses, and my eyes feel so much better now. It feels as if they are relaxing a lot more than before. So I'm going to go get my eyes tested tomorrow at two or three different... I don't know the word, stores that sell glasses... because I'm going to be downtown anyway. Honestly, I don't mind if I need reading glasses, I just want to figure out if that is why I've been having head aches all the time. And I like glasses. I look cute with glasses o.o


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I look odd with glasses XD People are so used to seeing me without them since I have near perfect vision so I don't need them, that when I steal my friend's glasses and take pictures, it kinda shocks them. Makes me look like a librarian kinda XD Like optometrist? I'm not sure, I guess Eyeglass shop XD Good luck~! :)
Ohh, the same thing happened to me a few months ago. Since I go to an online school, I spend almost everyday in front of a computer screen, and it put too much strain on my eyes. I had a lot of trouble focusing and seeing straight, so my dad took me to the optometrist (that's the word) and I got glasses.