I had a dream about EXO!

I had the weirdest dream last night.

In it I was lost on the college campus. It was the first day of classes and I couldn't find my science class.

Apparently my best friend was Baekhyun and he was already in class,




so I called him on the phone to ask for directions, but nothing he told me made any sense.


I end up in the round building going in circles,

(There's actually a building like this on my campus. You just go around and around forever and you're still lost. I hate round buildings.)

Meanwhile, while I'm lost, Chanyeol randomly appears from around a dark corner.

He offers to help me find my class, but instead we both end up lost in a dark stairwell and get trapped in the basement. He says he's sorry and then gives me this innocent puppy face.

Before I woke up I was yelling at Baekhyun through the video call on my iphone and he was laughing at us for being lost losers.

Why I had that dream, I have no clue.

I don't even like EXO that much.

I didn't even realize I know they're names and faces that well.

But, apparently my subconscious is a secret Chanyeol and Baekhyun fangirl.


OK, this blog needs some more Heechul...,




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God, please let me have your dreams. I always have these retarded dreams about colors and shapes and missing deadlines. Why can't I have a Super Junior dream? *throws tantrums*

Got to love your litle "This blog needs more Heechul" at the end, that cracked me up XD Heechul IS unforgettable <3
monokalisto #2
Never forgetting Heechul oppa~ *nods nods*

Once you know them a little, it's pretty easy to learn their names and faces... It's not like they had a come back so they almost don't change at all~ And that's coming from a non-Exotic~ :D
puckbunny #3
lmfao that's awesome, && yes more heechul oppa:))
"This blog needs more Heechul..."

I loved that!<3
Oh my goodness XD Beware of Kris he pops out of nowhere like LuHan in dreams....O>O"
xD hahaha, lmfao xD
That's awesome xD
i have suju s3x dreams, u can borrow them if u like