"Park Chanyeol and Xi Luhan"

That feeling when you have a classmate who looks like Park Chanyeol of EXOK.


God damn.


Chanyeol's height.


Chanyeol's deep voice when speaking.


Chanyeol's beautiful face.


I can't help but smile...


Because Chanyeol's my bias in EXOK and he have a look-a-like in my class.


For Luhanatics out there...


I had this classmate way back in high school, that was 3 years ago... I can't remember.


He really looks like Luhan.


Luhan's deer eyes or rather cute eyes resemble very much to my H.S classmate.


Their faces are a complete match to each other!


My EXO feels. T.T


Chanyeol and Luhan!!!!




(Why is it life is so good to me??? xD)


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