
Okkay, so finally I was able to get to my computer, apparently I managed to ban my keyboard two days ago. My room was being painted on Wednesday so I didn't even notice it till last night when I was finally allowed to put it together xD I don't have school right now, but it's cause of a national holiday... And even if it wasn't the 15th I wouldn't have it cause it's impossible to move in town because of the snow xD Cause yeah,  we are pretty much snowed in. My dad can't even go down the street o.o

This is the first time I had ever been snowed in so I'm excited - not. I just want the effing snow to melt and go away cause it's cold and all *pouts*.

And... hey, it's the middle of March. This time last year the sun was shining brightly and stuff and now it's the snow that's bright. *sighs*

Buut I did have a brilliant idea for a drabble xD 

Whatever, this was just a meaningless post before I log in to TERA online and play for a few hours xD


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