2 weeks to go!

And i'm back after a night worth..nothing. Haha, i'm not even sure it was worth remembering or forgetting really. Just another night.

2 weeks to go from today! HSC! *Dies* I think everyone is coping better than I am Haha! I'm still stuck on Chemistry..only because I can't even be bothered revising. Chemistry...T~T

Well..on another note. 2 weeks to go means I should go on a 3/4 hiatus. Is there such thing? ^^ Well I just made it up then. I'll only be online for a really short time everyday or so on just to check wallposts etc..otherwise..I need to start working hard!

Which also means, no roleplay for a while :O.


Well well, See you on the other side of my exams! ^^


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aww~ I hope you do well! Hwaiting! <3 hmm hmm hmm~ I'll miss you but I really do hope you do your best! I have to study too TT TT help meeeeee~ xD stay well and take care of yourself okay?! Sleep! Eat! Move around and dance like a fool 8D most of all, be happy~ ^^