Hardworker in the middle of beautiful life


If you didn't look carefully around you
you never feel how hard they tried to survive for this life
each time before sunrise reach your window
they already smile with sweat wet their face
when you just walk lazily to kitchen to prepare your breakfast
they already walk out with empty stomach just to make sure they didn't failed to find something for lunch
when you just sit comfortable in living room watching some new on tv
they already run to find their hope
you call them Labor
i call them Hardworker
for you they just somebody outside there
for me they are survivor,hero and heroine of their own life to fight for each days
envy of their burning spirit
envy of their effort to keep alive
You just could saw their dirty face
but if you look carefully
there are a beautiful smile of satisfied and winner smile that they show to this world
they are hardworker that try their best to finish all their duty
just to make sure they could bring some happiness into their life
and shared it with their family with full of love
They are,Hardworker in the middle of beautiful life
The words of "Give Up" never appear on their life's dictionary.


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