Todays my Birthday :D

Lol im 19 now.. I feel old as heck haha. unfortunately im sick with bronchitis.. >.< but its okay because my I have the house to myself, im blasting Happy Birthday by BAP on repeat, im cuddling my Shishimato stuffed doll and relaxing. And later my family and I will be getting korean bbq ^_^ its funny cause I dont feel 19. I spazz like a 10 year old and hyper like a 5 year old but ive recently learned my age shows through my knowledge. Alot of kpop fans ive talked to are around the ages of 13-16 and I realize now how ignorant some young people are. (im not meaning this in an insulting way, I mean literally ignorant-not knowing what they are saying-) I used to fight with them, trying to make them understand how what they are claiming is wrong but they refuse to listen. I forget being young also means you know ever thing and everyone is wrong except you.. I guess theyll learn one day... Im not claiming I know more than anyone or that im smarter.. Im just saying ive been alive a bit longer than a majority of kpop fans ive spoken to or even see/meet. Ive also been through ALOT more in life than some of you guys. What I say is from learning/experience so please trust me next time, yes? :) ooooooh and speaking of my birthday ill be sure to post a new blog tomorrow of pictures and stuffs about whats happend through my birthday keke. Take care lovelies. <3


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keyz_locket #1
happy birthday! (:
although im not really sure how i got to be your friend on aff, i hope you have a great one! (:
open the gifs one after another
Unnie! Saengil chukahamnida~! :D
Happy Birthday :D