Asylum Application | Jung MinAh


checking in?
















Okay, I just need to get the basics then.

Name: Jung MinAh

Age: 20

Date of Birth: 07/16/92

Place of Birth: South Korea

Current Residence: South Korea

Height: 168cm

Weight: 62kg

Nationality: Korean

And for you?

Username: Fallin4YouSHINee

link: Hello~ o u o

nicknames: YonYi at your service







What are you in for?

what is your problem: Suicidal and Homicidal with a Split Personality Disorder

how did you wind up here?: Convicted of killing her brother before trying to kill herself.

Any medical conditions we should know about?: Has an allergy to cats but it isn't severe, just constant sneezing. Prone to 

getting sick very easily with a cold but it will go away no later than 3 days. 





Ulzzang: Kim Ha Yul

mugshots:  | | |  

back up looks: Hwang Mi Hee

more mugshots: | | |  
Extra?: Scars on her arms from cutting herself. Scar on her cheek from accidentally cutting it. Belly button piercing of a















lets learn about  you



background: MinAh doesn't exactly have a family; at least, not anymore. When she was little, a doctor had diagnosed her with multiple personality disorder. Simply put, she has an angelic and depressed side plus a demonic and confident side. The personality that is mostly shown is the kinder of the two, but the other will come out from time to time. That's where everything went completely wrong. Unbeknownst to her parents and older brother, her bad side came out one summer day when she was 14. That side had decided to set the house on fire just for laughs. That fire killed her parents, but her brother lived with second degree burns. He knew it was his sister and, since he was 22 and could provide for her, made her life a living hell. He abused her, called her names, and constantly reminded her that everything was her fault. This caused her to start cutting herself. One day, she couldn't stand the abuse anymore and willingly let her bad side out. She killed him with a razor blade which she used to try to kill herself. She had passed out before she had managed to kill herself and the cops came due to the neighbors hearing her brother's scream. She was found innocent due to reasons of insanity and was then sent here.




personality:Typically, she is a fairly quiet and serene person, typically seen with a genuine smile on her face. She's patient and calm in most situations. Overall she is a little angel. On the outside. She is actually very depressed on the inside due to what has happened in her life. She tried not to cut herself but she still has that urge from time to time. On the other hand, she's pure evil in every sense of the word. Her other side is terrible, rude, and cocky. She isn't afraid to hurt people that stand in her way but won't do anything to cause physical harm to herself since she needs the body to live. She has two seperate minds that think for themselves. They just share a body. They can't communicate with each other through mind but through writings. 

summarize it:Good: Relaxed, patient, depressed Bad: Cocky, unrelenting, sarcastic






{replace with pics of exo-m boy}

cohort: Tao
back up cohort: Chen
what is he like: Tao is the cutie "panda" that does the best aegyo. He's a sweet kid with a charming smile to win over any girl's heart. He likes enjoying the moment and just wants to live happily. At least the good side does. Like MinAh, he has a case of Split Personality Disorder. He just so happens to have a very aggressive side to him, one that just so happens to enjoy knives. It's not easy to deal with this side to him, but MinAh's darker side adores his bad side to no end.
how did you meet: MinAh is an artistic type with a knack for photography. So, naturally, she goes to the outside for inspiration. Only taking pictures of things she deems beautiful. She was on the move to look for something. Within minutes, she came across the cutie Tao napping away in a field, surrounded completely by flowers. She ran up to him, her feet light and airy as she moved. Just as she got there, a butterfly had landed on his shoulder. She excitedly turned her camera on, quickly taking a picture of the serene pose. Unfortunately for her, the flash was on and it easily woke up the sleeping man. MinAh quickly apologized, bowing many times over until he laughed it off, telling her not to mind it. He asked to see the picture and she happily decided to show him and that's how a simple friendship started. For the rest of the day, Tao acted as her model, either being serious or making goofy poses with each other. He would even do aegyo for her and those were her favorite pictures.





Photography (preferring old fashioned photography)



Taking naps in the sun.


Being judged

Loud noises 


fears: Being buried alive

weaknesses: Being forced to do something she truly hates. It will completely make her break down if forced enough. 



Likes taking selcas

Likes putting on artificial nails because of the intricate beauty they hold and will take picture of them

JongIn | Dance Class
Suho | Talk Therapy





























the doctor will  see you now


replace with pcs of exo-k boy

you're seeing doctor?: Kai
But there's also: Suho
what is the doctor like?: Kai is certainly a character. When looking from afar, he seems confident and ready to take on any challenge. In reality? Completely different. He doesn't really know how to express himself in words. He's shy, awkward, and isn't one for human interactions to be completely honest. Although he is like this, he is actually really sweet and kind when people get to know him. It's just a bit difficult to get through his shell.

first impression: When MinAh first noticed him, she thought he was really cute and sweet, seeing him shyly interact with a

fellow doctor.

how did you meet: MinAh had came into her dance class, her attire loose and comfortable. She had opened the door to go in but

heard loud music playing so she simply peeked In, curious as to who was at class as early as her. There. She found her teacher

Kai, dancing hos heart away. Her heart skipped a beat as he moved in very alluring and y ways. She didn't know he was this 

expressive in hs motions. She quickly deemed that actions surely do speak louder than words. As his song was ending and it

came to a slower part, she came in. She tossed her bag to the side and quickly joined him as his dancing partner. He was

initially surprised, but recovered quickly and they shared a dance together, genuine smiles spreading across their faces.

if you had to choose: EXO-M















final thoughts




did I miss anything?: First impression of Tao: the cutest guy she has ever seen
quote for your character: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
questions, comments, concerns?: This is so amazing and Im excited for it to start, whether I'm picked or not ^-^

extraaaas?: Derpyeol~








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