Getting into trouble..

I'm always getting into trouble whenever I advertise my fics. Zz. Previously about the gay issues and now about an OC issue. I should probably stop advertising my fics, I get so much complaints. Zzz


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VIP_Bee #1
Awww!yeah sometimes i was like in that kind of situation and i don't wanna consider other's opinion tho i sometimes do XD anyway fighting!be strong^^
oh i hope everything becomes better :) oh btw just wondering do you know he name of the ulzzang on your main poster? thank you
what's wrong with the oc?
ZeRynna #4
OC issue? What is wrong with your OC? About the gay issue,I understand but OC? I'm puzzled here.
Whats wrong with oc?
OC issue? what is their problem actually? can't they mind their own business?tchh lame people..=.=
I dont understand. Why does people bash you just bc you advertised your story???? Those people are impossible.
Stupid people these like who the cares if the OC has the same name as an ulzzang like fricken hell your hear for the story not worry about names cheesus...stubborn people..
They are just intolerant people. After all, how would you know that the Ulzzang's name would be the one the OC has?
I stopped advertising... I should but I'm lazy