Behind on my story comment :(

Hey all! I'm so sorry to be lacking on my comments and story readings. Personal things have gone down; especially with my job. It seems like I might have to find a new one. And soon. I need to pay bills and insurance and begin to figure out my life. I will do my best to catch up on story updates and comments. Sorry if I worried anyone. I don't like to worry my friends. <3


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It's okay, Morgan! Don't worry about it. ^^ Morgan, hwaiting! I will make sure to have lots of good stories for you to enjoy when you come back~ :3
I was worry when you didn't comment anymore I thought you didn't like my story :'( especially because i always love your comments ^.^ sometimes life can be a real ____!!! So I really hope that whatever problems you have, they resolve quickly <3 Fighting Morgan ^.^