`〈 ♛ 〉ℰℓℯvℯn ↷ Jang Haneul









Jang Haneul

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Username: Tamikq1234
Activeness: 5
What shall I call you? Tami

Full Name: Jang Haneul
Other Names: English: Jaclyn
*Nicknames: Lynnie: her brother and friends call her this; it's like a pet name using the last part of her english name.
Age: 17 turning 18
Birthday: August 09, 1995
Height & weight: 169cm || 58kg
Bloodtype: A
birthplace: Brisbane, Australia
Hometown:  Brisbane, Austrailia
Enthnity: Korean
Languages: English: Fluent, Korean: Semi-Fluent, Japanese: Converstional


"Luv Me" Haneul has this aura around her that makes people feels comfortable around her. She always carries her warm yet bright smile around all the time. She is what you consider a happy virus. She got the jokes that would knock the air out of you from laughing, the beautiful smile that makes its hard to resist and her undying aegyo that makes it hard not to comply. Haneul knows the ability of her aegyo, so she use it to her advantage. She knows her way around people making them wrap around her little figure. Her puppy eyes and pouty face is her signature expression that will make you falls right into her trap. but if you don't comply than beware of your ear for you will hear an earful of whining.

"Hello to Myself' Though Haneul have cute and playful side, she also have a very serious side. She tends to be shy at times and that can be a big shocker to many. Haneul likes to get things done on the dot and is very studious. She a very good student who likes to follow the rules rather than meeting the consequences for doing something worong. She is a big worrywart and would nags at you all day long for making her worry. Haneul likes to think twice before doing anything to avoid any kinds of delays. She she able to makes lots of friends becuase she always so caring and willing in help others even if she doesn't know them. She very easy going and laid back so she doesn't care about pointless things as much.

"In Front of the Mirror" Then again theres many thing about Haneul that she doesn't like. Though she is an easy going person, once you cross her line she will explode like a bomb. When she's mad, she don't ever think twice about she say and just things honestly even if it hurts your feelings. If you hurt her enough there is a chance she will never forgives and forget you. She will ignore and acts as if you're a total stranger. Hanuel can be quite a violent girl and would unconscience hits things/people without even thinking when she mad, while crying. She's very stubborn and always stand up for what she believe in. She would never do anything that she doesn't like even if you give her 1 million dollar. Many people don't know this but she have a hurt time trusting people. So, she tend to stay quite when ever a personal issue pops up.

"A Bitter Day"Haneul have a hidden side that she have shown anyone but her brother. Through her strong facade theres a weak and broken girl. Growing always feels neglected and unloved becaus eher relationship with her father have always been cold. She felt insecure.  She have mold herslef to believe that she rather not trust other and be to attach because it would hurt less when they do leave her. Haneul can easily get jealous because of her insercurities. She tends to not tell anyone and sit somewhere to either relieve heart or cry. 

pet peeves: 

1. when things are not in place.

2. being waking up early.

3. rudeness and someone who disrespect other.


1. Ice cream

2. Sleeping; she can sleep her whole day off.

3. Shopping; she likes to be 

4. Flowers; preferably Carnations

5. Spicy foods

6. Animals

7. Kids


1. Bugs; they gives her the shivers.

2. Blood; it makes her feel sick.

3. Crying in fornt of others.

4. Being pity.

5. When people yells at her.

6. Pains

7. Dark open spaces; she'll freak out.


1. Blood

2. Mono-Phobia; fear of being alone.


1. Playing the piano.

2. Taking picture; selca, views, people, etc.

3. Composing

4. Cooking

1. She hits anything or anyone who is around her when she's mad.

2. She can't never sit still, where ever she goes. Sometime the member have to tell her calm down and stop moving.

3. Bites her lips when she thinking.

4. Cries when she is frustrated and sometimes when she's mad.

5. Letting her hair out when dancing; can't dance if her hair is tie up.

1.YES! She does have a austrailian accent. :)

2. Her brother is the vocalist of LEDApple.

3. She is a very light sleeper and hate being woken up early.

4. Faints when she sees blood; even if its a little drop she'll feel queazy.

5. Ideal Type: Guy whose look could be decieving. Guys who look cold and mean on the outside but dorky and caring on the inside. I guess you can say a mysterious type of guy.

6. She had learned how to rap from many of her sunbaes and it became her special talent.

7. Knows how to rap, its like her special talent, she learn how to rap from Bekah. 

8. She have OCD and dislike it when things are out of place.

9. She nicknames everyone she is close with. 

10. She believe she is easier to befriend guys than girls.

11. She carries everything in her bag; band-aids, tissues, pens, snacks&can drinks.

12. She is the member who have snacks but hids them in a place unknown to the other.

13. Former STARKIM Ent. trainee.

14. She can cook very well.


Father | Jang Hyunseung | 50 | Own a music store, Starlight Studio | Strict, Protective, Un-reasonable | 2

Mother | Lee Hayeon | 45 | Manager of Starlight Studio | Loving, childish, understanding | 4

Brother | Jang Hanbyul | 23 | Idol - LEDApple | Funny, Understanding, (overly) Protective | 5

Kim Mingyu | Seventeen | 16 | Weird, Dorky, Protective | Though Mingyu is younger than Haneul he is very protective of her. They meet during trainee practice and always bump into each in the hallways. After talking a few times they click. He was always their for her, when she's sad, mad, happy, ect. He see her as a sister and she him as a little  brother. She likes to call him Gyu

Hwang Minhyun | Nu'est | 17 | 4-D, dorky, Mature-like, All-rounded | Minhyun and Haneul have piano practice together and they talk to each other alot.  Minhyun like the comfortable feeling when Haneul is around. He always treated her well and likes to tease every chance  he gets. She calls him Min-Star.

Best friend: Lee Kyu Min | LEDApple | 20 |Funny, Clueless, Daring, Generous | Kyumin and Haneul met when she was a trainee at STARKIM Ent. They were really close and was always seen together. He likes to bring the young Haneul on his daring daring adventures and always get in trouble with Hanbyul. He always look out for her like his own sister and cares for her alot after she told him about her family problems. She calls him KMin (Kay-Min), because at first she could pronouce his name due her lacking ability to speak Korean.

Park Yooyoung (Kitty)  | Hello Venus | 18 | Blunt, Cute, Protectice, Understanding | Yooyoung and Haneul acts like long sisters. Yooyoung have a motherly side to her which makes Haneul feels comfortable around her. It didn't took a while for Haneul to fully trust Yooyoung, but when she didn't, the two became inseperatably. Haneul likes to call Yooyoung, Kitty because she said Yooyoung's eyesmile is like a yawning cat.

family background: Haneul grew up in a household with both her parents and her older brother. Her parents own a music store, Starlight Studio. Her parents was always against the idea of their kids being idols even if they own a music store. They rather have the kids carry on with bussiness than being "ridiculous" idols. Honestly they just didn't want their children being so far from them. They seen many celeberity killed themselves due to the stress and anti-fans, so they didn't anything like that to happen to the percious children.

Haneul never had a good relationship with her father. Without admitting it, her father always had adore her brother more because he was the oldest and a boy.

Her father never tries to talk to her or check up on her. Her mother felt ashame seeing the pain in Haneul eyes every time she see her father and brother interact. The scar in her heart grew day by day. Her mother was always there for her and do thing for her that her husband could do for their daugther. She does try to get her husband in talking to Haneul, but it never end well as they would argue over pointless things. Even so the only person Haneul could talk to is her brother himself. They had a very close relationship and was always there for each other. But after he left Austrailia to go to Korea to persue his dream, after much convicing, she couldn't take being in the house with just her parents. So she ran away from home and went to Korea following her brother's footstep.

face: Kim Seuk Hye 
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Gallery
Back up face: Lee Eun Ji 
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Gallery


Haneul likes anything is cute and comfortable to wear. She usually sport a hip-hop like style with high top and harlem sweat with a plain shirt for any kind of practices. While going out somewhere she usually where skinnies, wedges, and a cute top. At home Haneul liek to wear a pair of short and a random top to sleeping and lounage around the living room. Though she is not a fan of dresses, she usually wears them for important events.

Practice: 123

Dorm; PJs: 12 | Relaxing: 123 

Casual: 1 | Cute: 123, 4 | Airport: 1, 2, 3

Formal: 12

How you got into Pledis: She was transfered from STARKIM Ent. because the company didn't fit her taste in music.
trainee history: She audition at STARKIM Ent. at the age of 14 and after being accepted  she was traned for a year before she left the company due to different taste in music. She then audition for Pledis Ent. and sfter beign accepted she trained for 2 years before debuting. During her time as a trainee she was usually bullied because she couldn't speak Korean well, though she could understand perfect. Being a trainee was hard. Even she ran away she miss her parents dearly and because she could visit her brother alot, she misses him to. It was tiring waking up for school then go straight to practice everyday since she wasn't used to it. Haneul tend to stay behind everyday to practice some more on her own because she felt as if she didn't well. 

trainee years: 3 years. 1year at STARKIM and 2 years at Pledis.
*Stage name: Lynnie 
fanclub name: Olympians; the connection to this name is that since name means heaven and Mt. Olympus was were the greek gods lives and they were called Olympian.
fanclub color: #00ffcc
persona: Happy-Virus Lynnie

↺ main vocal
 main vocal, sub dancer
↺ main Rapper
↺ Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
↺ Main Dancer, Lead Rapper
↺ Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper
↺ Sub Dancer, Sub Vocal, Sub Rapper
↺ Visual, sub Dancer
↺ Face of Group, Sub Vocal
↺ Leader, lead Vocal
↺ Sub Leader, Sub Rapper
Vocal Twin: Tiffany Hwang ; SNDN ; Eng | Kor
Dancing Twin: Hyuna ; 4minute ;  y~ | Hip-Hop~

Rapping Twin: Elly ; EXID ; Eng | Kor
Sub-Group: 1. English; 2. Korean; 3. Japanese
Anything else?: Composer&Actress






Kim Jong Hyun

tumblr_mk8hlaUas71s4rs9uo1_500.png  tumblr_m4v82lW9dL1rtil55o1_500.jpg  tumblr_mk8qx8QmcH1qd36rxo1_500.jpg

love interest: Kim Jonghyun aka JR
age: 18
Group: Nu'est
personality: As the leader of Nu'est JR is displayed as very serious and charismatic person. He's a perfectionist and would do whatever it take to fix anything that was out of place during practices and monitoring. Then again, JR doesn't always display his leader like side everywhere. When he is off camera he becomes very childish and carefree. JR is the type of guy who takes care of his peers well. He also have a cute, dorky side to him that pretty much everyone adores.

how you met/meet: It was one of those nights where Haneul would stay behind to practice in the studio. JR on the other hand was also on his way to practice, when he walk by the studio hallways he heard music behind one of the. When he peeked in he saw Haneul singing beautifully. Hanuel had practice since lunch with anything else in he stomach but a sandwich, since she felt litght-headed next thing she knew she fainted. JR was surprised at what just happen but still had the common sense to run up to Haneul's side and help her. He was memerized by her beauty for a quick second before pulling his phone and call 119. After that Haneul woke up at the hosiptal without and rememberance of what happen, until JR came up to her one day ask if she was okay now. They later meet again through Minhyun and from there they became friends. 

how you interact: They always teasing each other and acting as if they are going with the winks that they jokingly send to one another or the constant hug they like to give to each other. But now that JR debuted, they have hard time seeing each other because he's always out for schedule. Though  they do talk over the phone and through text message, they seem to be lessen as the days goes by. Even though they are not going out Haneul getsjealous when he is around other girl like recently when he had to kiss Nam Bora-sunbae for 'Hello' M, she felt so insecure and was crying to herself in the studio where she was practicing. JR usually gets jealous of his hoobaes, Mingyu and Yooyoung, who gets to see her often. Even when Yooyoung debuted she was still able to visit every now and then because their schedule are usually in Korea. He misses her to the point he wouldn't call her because he knows he'll miss her more.
relationship: Both JR and Haneul knows they like each other but they didn't want to start a relationship just yet becuase both are prepared to debut soon. Now that JR had debuted he is always busy and not at the company as much. But they still feelings for each other.
back-up love interest: TK

rival: Kim Miso
age & group: 17 || GLAM
Cute , 
reason for rivalry: Both are known from being the members of new rookie groups this pass years. Fans took notice in their similar in age and different style and match them up for 'Opposite Polar Rivalry.' Haneul and Miso took upon themselves to be rivals, but as they goes on they competiveness increases ang thigns became intense. Miso isn't the type of girl to back down and could be quite rude to her opponents and thats what Haneul doesn't like. Haneul blood boils even more when she sees Miso flirting with JR. Miso knew JR was semi 'Off the Market' yet she still latched on.
Love rival: Lee Min Woo (TK)
age & group: 18 | C-Clown
personality:  Charming, Competitive, Caring, Protective

how you met/meet: TK likes Haneul, alot. Her brother, Hanbyul, is quite close with C-Clown's leader, Rome. The three of them  are from Austrailia the could relate to each other. Hanbyul and Rome met back-stage.

how you interact: TK was always a charming who knows his way around girls with the he talks and acts toward them. He have a competitive side so when he found out Haneul likes JR, he was ready to make her mind change. He was always caring and protective towards her. He was there when she cries and there when she felt lonely because JR was away.

how are they a love rival: He likes Haneul > Haneul likes JR but is having second thoughts (insecurity) < JR likes Haneul alot > JR and TK are racing for Haneul's heart. 
*who do you want your character to end up with? JR


Comments: Please let me know if i have to fix anything. Hope you like her. :)


1. SNDN - I Got A Boy

2. C-REAL - Danger Girl 

3. Rania - Dr. Feel Good (a little to y, no? .____.)

4. EXID - Every Night

5. Sistar19 - Gone Not Around Any Longer & Ma Boy (for sub-groups)

6. Jewlery - Look At Me

7. Rainbow - To Me

8. SNDN - Lost in Love (soft track for either main vocals or sub-group

9. SNDN - Tell Me Your Wish

Scene suggestions: 

1. Haneul going on strong talking about her father; have like a special episode of idol siblings or just have Hanbyul there to.

2. MTV 'Eleven' Diary 

3. Sesame Player xD 

4. Hello Baby

5. MTV Match Up

6. MTV Tah-Da It's 'Eleven'

7. Weekly Idol

8. 'Eleven' Tv

Password: Lizzy-Izzy!



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