Have you ever

felt so guilty you couldn't sleep for one night?

(don't ask, just answer)


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Not for one whole night, but it took me a while to sleep.
yes...yes...yes and yes
Yes. Yes and yes.
Aigoo. When it happens to me, I can feel my heart popping out of my chest.
Yes. There was this one time when I was really little that I cheated on my math test. It was a timed test, and at that time I was kind of dumb and slow. I adapted to learning and studying later on. Anyway, I had failed this test and had to re-take it 5 times, and I just felt at that moment that it was impossible, and that I wasn't cut out to do it on my own. Some other kids then pressured me into cheating, and we all used a calculator on the test although we weren't supposed to. I remember the teacher finding out, and we all had to tell our parents. My parents were so disappointed in me; not angry, but I think their disappointment hurt more and was scarier than their anger. That night, I couldn't sleep because I was so angry with myself. I felt guilty and disappointed that I would do such a thing.
Yes. Well...almost. When that happens I end up being awake a long time and eventually crying myself to sleep.
Nah. I sleep like a log xD
minionsbanana #8
Yes... but after 1 minute I will sleep like crazy X)
No. I feel guilty, but it doesn't eat me up.
uh no.
i sleep like a log. xD
No. I can always sleep, no matter what XD
Yup. :) It was the worst thing that happened to me. -____- Which is why I prevented from making mistakes. But still, it's unavoidable. Let's just always be careful from now on ^^
I couldn't sleep last night either...