WANTED: BOYFRIEND for a week!!



good day everyone!


it's exactly 1:34am. i'm extremely exhausted from my day's work..all i did was a little shopping and wrote some ty chappy for my story..hehhhee


i'm already 18 years old and i want to experience real LOVE!!..I never had a boyfriend ever since i was born. i mean seriously, why won't anyone try to court me??! am i hideous or what?..come on people!! 


ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!! i'm so pissed right now..just thinking about this things makes me ..well...a little  UPSET!..


i seriously need a boyfriend for a week! i need to experiment on him and apply his reactions on my story so that it'll be much more interesting with a boy's POV. MUAHAHAAH!! XD


enough said for today..i gotta have my beauty sleep everyone...


oyasumi nasai minna!! '^^



(ze y girl <3)


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LOL...hahahha don't rush gurl..you knew that i don't have one too ever since but it's okay. Though I think of that WHY question, but I know that guy will arrive soon.. chos!..haha the stories I make, well some of the guys there possess the quality I want in a guy but it's all just for fun you know. Just enjoy life..hehe :D
mycookiesncream #2
Jadey,it doesn't guarantee you on experiencing love if it's just for the sake of your story.Other people who may even had a relationship with a batallion of guys or gals doesn't imply that they've loved a million times because love only comes in your path in God's time,in a very special place with a very special person.It may sound cliche but,don't find for love,let it find you.It'll come when you least expect it.It'll knock you off your senses and will definitely possess something alien in you.You'd wake up one day that you're not even controlling your own mind and emotions.
wow O.O..boyfriend for a week..hmmm..never really thought of that..lol hehe :D<br />
im 18 and what to experience love too<br />
well i had a boyfriends before but it hurts getting your heart broken >.<<br />
its just you try to find the right one but it turns out that they arent :(<br />
sorry i sound really weird dont i?
Woah- Now that's weird.. x'D I mean, to look for a boyfriend for a week XD Lol~ There has to be love ^^
oneechanjade #5
@lil: really?..yay!! *high-5* we gotta do something drastic to have a bf before we graduate in college..MUAHAHAHHAA XD
i never really had a boyfriend either so yur not alone!