Shop Rant along with some EXO things

I read a bunch of peoples graphic shop black lists... 

The thought came to me while I was reading through why they blacklisted the people. 

That's when it hit me. 

Do you know how many people would be in my black list? Like holy crap. 

Talk about ALMOST everyone who requests. 

I know some of my requesters are my friends and well, you'll see this and might think it's you. 

Please don't take it to heart. I'm simply giving my response to the black list category. 

And, there goes me. Being nice again. 

I seriously need to stop being nice because in real life... I'm not at all that nice. o-o

That might sound like bull since you've probably talked to me a few times and seen that I'm like really nice and funny when in reality, I can be easily offended, harsh, cold hearted, and shy. 

Asianfanfics is like a home to me. 

I'm comfortable with what I'm doing and I like how I'm doing it. 

And... since this is somewhat about the shop. :P 

I'm going to say sorry to those who have requested to me from this week and still haven't gotten it. 

As you can see, the shop is currently listed as 'BUSY' so it'll take a week at the least for the request to roll in. 

I've been confused by people who haven't sent in pictures and I've been suffering from random headaches. 

Also, EXO's 2nd teaser came out. 

I'm actually kind of worried about what the full thing will look like. It looks odd and not like EXO at all. I mean the concept looks awesome on them yet it looks a bit awkward. After all those jokes you frequently see on Tumblr or whatever... it's easy to forget that our boys are charismatic. 

I read a lot of EXO fanfiction and I also write Kris fics. :P 

It's a bit off seeing everything like this now. I don't know... 

I just can't feel it. The dance part was a bit off too. 

I obviously know I'm not in any place to say these things, but I'm just stating my opinion. 

Kai with the corn rows is just too much. I actually liked his natural self and that's been going down the drain because of his hair. 

Yes, I'm a being a bit judgemental towards Kai. Heck, I've been being judgemental towards everyone. 

I kind of wished they didn't use WOLF as the title song. I would've loved to see 365 as their title song or something. 

I wouldn't mind seeing them with balloons and such like Super Junior's No Other video. It would be cute and I think it would actually fit them better. 

Happy and adorable EXO sounds a bit better to me. If someone in SM were to be magically on AFF and to come across my blog posts... and then see this idea. 

I wonder if I'd be the new start of a new second MV like people are doing nowadays instead of just bringing on one MV for the comeback. o-o 

I'm asking for too much and I sound a bit selfish so I'm going to like run away. /runs away like nothing happened/ 




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toukyo #1
I don't like Kai's hair.-.
It's like Yongguk's in no mercy but it looks better on Yongguk.