E3 Conference!

Let's all step away from fanfiction, and hopefully one of you can talk about this with me.


The E3 Conference is happening live just now!


Cause I can't go, i'm watching it on live stream.


I am so damn excited! Right now it is the microsoft conference (XBox) and it's something I don't need to watch.


But the SONY conference is the one I want to watch! Because FINALLY, the PS4 is going to be revealed!!!!


Anyone else excited?




And a new Final Fantasy thing is going to ve revealed, and can I just say that is ing amazing news?!!!


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I know someone who went to it. She's so lucky D:
khunyoung987654321 #2
I want the ps4 soooooooo much T.T but it's probably going to be ultra expensive :(
And a new final fantasy *-* ??????
oh ya i heard about that i think its about the new ff 14 game