to paperstars rp ♡


hi this is soloist lee jieun, formerly of paper stars rp. 
i have so many things to say but there's not enough time so i thought i'd
try my hand at posting something for all of you because you
mean so much to me.
when i was crying my eyes out,
your messages made me smile.
i really want to stay and i wish i could.
but i can't.
i love you all.
paperstars, please last forever & ever & ever.


to yoo ara unnie (or as i affectionately know her ooc, maise unnie),
i really love you, unnie. 
you're one of the sweetest, nicest person i have ever met.
i wish nothing but the best for you.
you're like my idol, right now tbh.
you're always so nice to everyone and thank you for making me feel welcome.
thank you for being so sweet.
thank you for just being there.
your message last night geniunely gave me hope.
i hope one day, we'll be able to meet up and spend time together.
and i hope you know, unnie, anytime you need someone to talk to,
iu is always here on line.
let's be lifelong friends.
i love you.

to hayana unnie (or saywhat unnie or vanessa unnie), 
sobs. i can't believe i'm leaving you everywhere.
you're forever my badass older sister. #hansisters, #yangsisters, #byunsisters. 
even in real life. i don't care if we're 
miles apart, you're still my sister to me.
let's fart when we meet up, aite?
i'll remember every single moment with you.
remember when you became fluffy for like a night?
and we spent the whole night laughing our butts off.
remember our frequent chats on the timeline, when
it was four am for me and ten am for you?
i'll remember all of them. i hope you stay happy
with chanhee oppa. i'll be on line if you ever need me. i love you. so much. 


to yoseob appa (waisiang oppa)
you brighten my life oppa, even if you're sunhwa or baekhyun or yoseob or anyone.
you didn't have to do so much for me
but you did. and i'll appreciate it all until the day i die. 
please never call yourself creepy, please.
because all those tweets just make me love you even more.
let's pretend the photo on the left is us singing dywst. /shot;
please stay happy, yoseob oppa. just my last wish as your daughter. smile because even if i'm not there, because i'll always be creeping.
long last with jongup. iu 
(steph) loves you.

to sica unnie )
unnie, do you know why i picked that gif of you?
because that was your dp when we first started talking.
sobs. i'll always remember you as the unnie who quote tweets alot, the one who is always on no matter what time is it.
but after yesterday, i realized you're much more than that, unnie. you're so sweet and kind and do you know i smiled through tears when your message came in?
unnie, please sleep earlier, drink more water & don't fall sick.
i hope i will never ever make you cry ever again.
talk to me in line if you ever need someone to rant to because my ears will always open for you.
neol saranghaeyo, jung sooyeon.

to sura unnie (give me your line!)
unnie, we started off our friendship by singing to each other on the timeline. it was overboard by justin bieber, wasn't it?
somehow, our friendship grew to a point where we shared a jailed account together.
i am so lucky to know you, unnie.
even though i might say, i love a lot of people, you'll always be my yeobo. please sleep earlier, sura unnie.
and i love you so so so much.
karaoke buddies 4 lyf? 
neol saranghae, aishteru, kang sura. 


to jimin bby (dm me your line bby.!)
sobs, do you how much i love talking singlish to you?
i was choking with laughter that day tbh.
everytime i think about singlish, i'll think of you tbh. 
stay a good boy boy ah. don't make any trouble.
i'll miss you so much oh my god. thinking about it even hurts me already.
squishy jimin! * ^ * 
noona sarangs you. and thank you for making me smile and laugh with your dms.
i love you boo. < 3

to soyeon unnie,
we started talking when i randomly called you cute (which you are.)
our friendship blossomed from there and i couldn't be more thankful.
you're sweet and funny and together, we rule the land of cuteness.
i wish we could've talked a little bit more or went to the movies or hung out a little bit more though so please please please
please still be here when i come back. 
and btw unnie, yes, we'll still talk.
i would never want to lose contact with you tbh.
park soyeon, saranghaeyo! 

















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