Alphabet Quizz

A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)



B: Birthday

November 14th 


C: Crushing on

Huh do I have to say all? XD LOL just two: Suho & D.O


D: Drink you had last

Chocolate Milk


E: Easiest person(s) to talk to

My best friend.


F: Favourite song(s)

Maybe ... EXO new album. 


G: Grossest memory

I can't actually remember. That's good though.


H: Hometown

You don't know where it is, there's no point in telling.


I: In love with

Suho (a.k.a Kim Joonmyun & EXO's Guardian and Mother)


J: Jealous of

people who get to see kpop artists everyday. *sad life*


K: Killed someone

I remember killing many in my dreams and also while playing PSP


L: Longest friendship
11 years now. :)


M: Milkshake flavor

Chocolate or Coffee.


N: # of siblings



O: 1 wish
I have so many ....


P: Person you last called

my father.


Q: ?'s you always ask
What did you say? (- becasue I didn't hear what the person spoke)


R: Reason to smile

music, dance, kpop, friends, family, some memories....


S: Song last listened to

Black Pearl - EXO


T: Time you woke up

8:20am I had to go to the hairdresser. XD


U: Underwear color
Bra: Beige

Underpants: Red (why this question? :s)

V: Violent moment you had

Can't remember either.


W: Worst habit

Cracking my finger bones.


X: X-rays you had

It was at my teeth. XD


Y: Your last time you cried

Yesterday because I had a strong stomach ache. :/quizz


Z: Zodiac sign

Scorpio - Just like Kris ^^



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BeautifulRain #1
D.O & Suuuuuho, *HighFive* Yeo-Dongsaeng :D (Y) ♥