Trying my best with posters ...

I'm seriously trying my best. 

I know that this has a lot of imperfections (I know), but I'm in the start man, you can't expect much from me. 

So I decided to change The Diary Of My First Love's title. I think it's too long and after looking a it a couple of times, I think it's quite boring. Not that the one I choose isn't, but I think it's a tiny bit better. I'll put the current one as the chapter's title insted. :)

And the poster ... what can I say? ... I'll admitt that I'm a failure. *sighs* I need to practice more. 

Comparing with my previous ones:


(the newest to the oldest from the left to right)

Well, I don't really know what to say. I already know, I need improvement. Some words to encourage me? No? I would appreciate it though. *goes practice more*


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its very nice! :3 what do you use! ^^
No! You're not a failure! You actually have a great sense when it comes to designing! And everyone started like that hehe :D What program do you use?
xoxo__ #3
sweetie there beautiful, just keep on practicing <333