Tch. Love. Yeah right.

Haiiii peoplleee!^^ 

Me is here. Sober and not sick and not hallucinating weird stuff. Kekeke~ Sooooo...Imma talk about a which ALMOST everyone likes....or is INTERESTED in.... or is CLUELESS with (like me >_<) This blog post is dedicated to all hormonal 10-12 year olds. (sort me ^0^)

In other words, LOVE. 

That dreaded four-letter-word. L-O-V-E. Beautiful, right? But, ugh. Sometimes it just makes me sooo sick. Or frustrated. 

Everyone wants to have a taste of love, am I right? Yup. I sure do too. SO MUCH. (huhuhu T^T~ FOREVER ALONE) Even three-year-olds dream about it!  Sheesh. Hormonal kids...(like me ^_^) 

Ya know why I wanna bring up this subject? 


*grab a barf bag while you're still at it*


The scene itself was just... wrong... My eyes were seriously watering. 

Sigh, puppy love. Cute, but in many (many, many, MANY) ways WRONG.

Yeah, it may be sooo adorable, but... kids, you're just not ready for this. Heh, I sound like an old-school, conservative ahjumma. I know that I'm being such a killjoy, spoilsport, naggy, and a loser. And I know that I'm not in the right place to say this because I'm a kid, just like you guys. Just so you know, I'm thirteen, and I don't know any better than all the other kids my age. And you maybe think I'm just saying this because *cough*--er...I' CERTAIN "someones" *cough* Vince *cough* Hari *cough* Yeah, you're right. It's my therapy. But in a way, it could help ya guys. You're probably irritated about me right now. I'm not saying that you should break-up with your boyfriends right those who have one...No offense. But I hate to burst your bubble fellas, you're just not ready.  

Why, you ask? As a ten-year-old, would you like to feel the pain of heartbreaks? How 'bout being twelve and your "boyfriend" and "true love" asks you to have with him? You're too young to deal with the pain and burdens. As a kid, you're having so much in your hands, school, family, friends, and all the other crap you have to deal with each and every day. But if you're older, you'd have to carry more burdens. That's when you're more responsible. Do you think you are responsible enough to balance out school, family, health, your social life, love, and all your crap altogether? Some, well actually, most can't. In some cases, they break down and well...get depressed. You're still young. You can't deal with so much pressure at one time. 

You can't just find true love right away. Who knows, after a month or two, he might break up with you. Trust me. I know. Just wait until you're seventeen or sixteen, then you can find the "perfect guy." Why? Because you're more responsible! You'll probably know the sense of which is right or wrong at that age. Some don't. But at seventeen, that's the perfect time to be adventurous. If you're a seventeen-year-old, and haven't done a single bad thing, you're officially a social outcast. Even retards are more social. I'm not saying that you should go around...destroying stuff... when you're seventeen, but you could've done something completely stupid once in a while. The next years, fall in and out of love over and over and over and over again. But don't, when you're ten.

I know that loves SOOOO awesome (yeah it is!)... but there's a right time for it. If I were you, I'd focus on fitting in as an "almost-teenager" rather than thinking you're a seventeen-year-old. Be a kid. Don't rush yourself. Just stick to crushes. Love can ruin you if you don't take it properly. 

How would I know? 

I've seen my friends and myself go through that stage. And I still am. Hormones are just hard to control, huh? 

Speaking of hormones... I haven't talked with Vince much. Now he do I put this...err...flirting with my friend. Well, for me cuz my friend knows that I 'sort of' like him and I she (even though it hurts me to say this) that I'll never EVER end up with Hari, she still flirts with him. What a nice friend. I'm not jealous. I just feel--betrayed. And I am 75% sure he doesn't like me. Seriously. He doesn't talk with me much anymore, and guess what? We just became awkward FOR THE FIRST TIME. The only time he talked to me is when he asked for an extra pen, then no more further conversations. Come on! What part of that screams "I DON'T LIKE YOU!" He doesn't talk to me. I'm the one who starts convos. He probably realizes that I 'kind of' fancy him. So he keeps his distance. He even switched places somewhere in the front to be AWAY from ME.

But the 25%, oh ho ho! That's what makes me wonder! See, he glances at me, but when I catch him, he looks at the same direction but keeps his eyes away from me. I see that because when I catch him, he stares right behind me three nanoseconds after I catch him staring at ME. Sheesh. Then yesterday, don't get me started on yesterday. I wasn't in class because of personal reasons and he sulks all day long, at least that's what my friends tell me. He was all quiet and acts all depressed, and then the next day when I came back, chit chat over here, laugh over there. Seriously. The other people think it has something to do with me. Dude, he even got a haircut the next day after I said he was starting to look like a caveman and when I said "People with not-so-long-hair are hot." That's def a sign. The question is: Why is he avoiding me? That's what keeps my head spinning. 

Hari...I haven't seen him for the whole week so far... I'm starting to get worried. Because last week, he came to school with a bandage on his forehead, a swollen lip, and a black eye. Dude, I think there is something going on with him. I don't mean to be nosy, but I'm worried and I need to know... Dude, I'd visit him in the hospital every single day if I had to. Well, I'd be faaarrr better off with him. He's nicer. AND HE DOESN'T AVOID ME. But he's just...impossibe... I don't stand a chance... There are lots of waaay better girls he could easily apart from me. I just hope he'll at least befriend me without me forcing him..

When will I fall for a PROPER PERSON? (who doesn't avoid me)

I hate love. It's so complicated. Somehow I don't believe in it. 


a r k e u n n i e <3 


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>.< kids these days. honestly, if i saw my brother make out with a girl (he's 10), i'd kill him. 10 year olds are too young to start with that kind of stuff.