Update on my personal life (if you are interested)

Hey my dears,


You guys know if you have read my blog post from about two months ago about me having some minor health issue, but seemingly big enough that I am about to lose my flight attendant job because of it. I only have problems wih my white blood cells, interestingly when I went home two months ago the results were perfect, here in China they are always high. Anyway my company told me that they will probably fire me soon and I should fix this problem. Well thank you very much. Perfect. I am not happy, but hopefully this is not the end of the world. I am going back to Hungary in a few days again then returning to China in September, wrapping things up here, trying to find a job in Hungary in the meantime, which seems pretty impossible at the moment though. I guess I just gotta stay strong, and see it as possibly the end of something, but hopefully the start of something better.


Thank you for reading this :)



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stay strong <3
geminicastor #2
Good luck! A job is important, but not nearly as important as good health. Keep your head up! I hope you find a good job soon and stay healthy and happy! <3 Fighting!!
Orijinarumi #3
Stay strong sweetie! You can do this! <3
you can do this! YOU KNOW! L:
and I'm truly wish you find a job, and I'm so glad you're in good health, that mean to much! Money comes and goes but the health means a lot!

Take super care lovely fiancé, I'll send you so much positive energy and a lot of love! C:
You can do this!
And your company can't just tell you to fix your health when you can't really do something about it!
You know I will always support you!
I hope you will find a job in hungary that you really like and that you want to do!

Fighting ♥♥
Siblings-Curse #6
When one door closes, another opens. Even if things go down, always look up and look forward to better things in the future.

In any case though, I hope you do get better! :D

Don't worry, I bet something better is going to come up! Don't lose your hope. I love and support you ^^
sorry your are going through this>_< the most important thing is your health and I really hope you get better <3
kpoplvr1345 #9
I hope that you get better and i wish you luck on finding a job !!!
Golden-Teacup #10
Fighting, unnie!!!!! I hope you find a good job. XD saranghae!!!!!!