❝ to hunt or to be hunted ❞ ▬ Park Kangdae (Tyrant wolf)


( The Tyrant)  



❝ Park Kangdae 




Pseudo : Dahae
Profile Link : LoveDonghae
Activeness : 7/7


 i'm not a bad person


Name : Park Kangdae
First Name : Kangdae
Nickname(s) : Dae - the caretaker, just because they are close and he is the beta (and he likes it) Kangdae allows it

Birthdate : 16/01/????
Age : 24
Place of Birth : in a cave close to Mokpo
Hometown : Incheon
Ethnicity : full Korean
Nationality : Korean
Blood Type : O
Height : 184cm
Weight : 80kg
Occupation : He works at a CD store


 new generation is back

Face claim : Won Jong Jin
Pictures : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8

Back-Up face claim : Hwang Jin Uk
Pictures : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 

More ? : He has a long gash/scar across his back. He has his hair cover his eyes for a reason (see background + wolf appearance)

Style : 
- Casual : J || J2 || 
J3 || 1 || 2 ; Has simple tastes. Wears skinny jeans and long jackets or just jeans and a simple top. Use ulzzang as reference
- Formal : J || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 ; prefers to wear suits that stand out in some way. Likes to have color, like red or blue.
- Pyjama : either boxers and an oversized shirt or just pj pants
-Other : likes to wear cologne



Chosen Plotline : The Tyrant

Background :

When he was young, back when his parents were still alive, he was openly affectionate to those he loved, especailly his brother. He knew one day that he would have to take his parent's place as Alpha (because he was the oldest). He didn't want his brother to hate him because of this so he promised that he would always take care of him. He was always by his side, protecting his little brother from whatever harm might befall him. Whenever he was in trouble, Kangdae would be there to catch him. They loved each other dearly. Kangdae would train with him and teach him all he had learned as a wolf. Whatever his brother asked for, he would find some way to get it for him no matter how illogical the request. This all changed however one night when an ant-wolf group of hunters found their pack. The hunters had managed to infiltrate the pack and had begun to attack the wolves. Kangdae had been out to fetch necessary supplies when he came back to see the hunters attacking his parents and brother. Four hunters had ganged up against his parents while one was dealing with his brother. It was obvious that he had to make a choice between his parents or his brother. Seeing the hunter lunge at his brother with what he saw would be a lethal attack and remembering the promise he had made, he chose his brother. He jumped in front of the blow (while in human form) that would have been the death of his brother, which ended up slicing his back open. He quickly attacked and knocked out the hunter, but not killing him, and turned to look at his parents. He made eye contact with his father, just as the hunter made his killing blow. Kangdae was shoked to the very core from seeing his parents die right in front of him. Despite the pain and the bloodloss, he grabbed his brother and ran off, leaving his parents' bodies behind. He passed out soon after they had escaped. When he woke up, he noticed his brother curled up next to him. Later on he would learn that his brother had found the rest of the pack that had survived. This was the day that he would become pack leader, not because he was ready, but because he had to for the good of his brother and the rest of the pack. His brother had rapped up his wound, but because he was passed out, Kangdae's healing abilities weren't top notch and the scar across his back would stay there forever as a constant reminder of what happened. Kangdae hates recalling the night that he saw his family die. It almost always brings him to tears.

Kangdae blames himself for the death of his parents, not his brother. His brother, however, thinks that Kangdae blames him because after this incident he had begun to distance himself. Kangdae still loves his brother to death, but because he is the new alpha, he tries to be more distant to his brother because he feels like the more he is around him, the more likely the younger could get hurt. The role of Alpha was forced upon him and he didn't want to be a weak leader. He didn't want to be known as the weakest alpha ever to lead a pack. He was afraid that if he wasn't powerful enough that his brother could get hurt again. His also feels like his parents' death could have been avoided if he would have been stronger. Because of this incident, Kangdae began training harder and longer than he had when his father was training him. He began staying up days at a time to train without sleep. Whenever he felt tired, he would just think of his brother, his dead parents, or his friends and push himself farther. His demeanor became scarier and scarier as he honed his skills. His brother always worried about him and sometimes even snuck out to watch him train.

Family : 

Father | Park Ain | died at age of 60 | Wolf | He was a strong and powerful leader. He always made dicisions based upon the pack's best interests, never in his own. He wasn't afraid to show his compassion for his pack. He was never challenged for his position as leader, for his skills were well known throughout the wolf world. No one ever questioned his skills but often questioned his upbringing of his sons. Most wolves would try to get Ain to be fiercer with his sons so that they would be better leaders. Ain however did not feel this was the right way to raise children, even if they were supposed to be the leaders. | His father and him shared a tight bond because he would be taking his father's place one day. He trained his son to be a strong and compassionate leader just like himself and hoped he would continue to care for his little brother. He did not wish to force the position of alpha upon him but made sure that Kangdae knew that one day he would have to take his father's place. What Ain wished with all of his heart was that the bond his sons shared would be strong enough to bring his clan to greatness. His greatest fear was that something would happen that hindered the bond between the two brothers. | dead

Mother | Park Jinyeol | died at age of 56 |  Wolf | She was everything the beta is supposed to be, kind,  loyal, brave and caring. She looked over the wounded and would always know what to say to make people feel better. Her kind and gentle appearance often ended in people misjudging her skills in battle. She was often challanged for her position in the pack, but no one ever came close to winning. Her intelligence often outwitted the brazen power based tactics her challangers used. | She loved her two sons dearly and would always tell Kangdae to make sure he took care of his little brother if she couldn't. She knew he would be a great leader and taught him that to love was even more important that to hate. Patience was one of the things that she tried to pass down to her elder son but it didn't end up sinking in too well. Kangdae took all of his mother's words to heart. He didn't always understand her 'words of wisdom' in the beginning, but would get them eventually. | dead

Brother | the lost lamb | 19 | Wolf | He is very clumsy and shy, the exact oppisite of his brother. He is kind and playful, always trying to lighten the mood. He doesn't always listen to those in charge which ends up getting him into trouble. Because of this, he is often blamed for the pack's misfortunes. | They do not have a good relationship. The lost lamb is always trying to appease his brother but his brother always seems to find something wrong with what he does. No matter how much his brother seems to dislike him or scold him, his love for his brother never faulters. He always tries to get on Kangdae's good side. In order to be around his brother more, the younger tries to stay around the caretaker often because he can tell that his brother likes him. He also does this because he knows that if Kangdae gets mad the caretaker will protect him. Deep down, Kangdae still loves his younger brother with all his heart. He loves him more than anything but doesn't show it for fear that it would just put the younger in more danger. He still keeps close to his brother even though it seems as though he avoids him. If he hears his brother say he wants something, Kangdae will go out and get it for him but give it to him in a way that he wouldn't know it's from him. The lost lamb does suspect that it is his brother though. The lost lamb is also really good at reading his older brother's feelings. He can tell that his brother likes the caretaker and at times tries to get them alone together. | alive

Friends : 

umma-ish | Xiumin | wolf age-80 | Wolf from Kris' pack | He is very motherly and kind but also very powerful despite his looks. Extremely loyal to his pack and to his friends. | Despite the fact that Xiumin's leader is Kangdae's rival, they get along very well.  Xiumin hopes that one day his friend and his alpha will get along. Kris doesn't approve of the friendly relationship between the two but knows if he makes a big enough deal about it, it would be a problem between the two packs. Kris has a soft spot for Xiumin and he doesn't want the boy to loose a friend, so he doesn't forbid the friendship. Kangdae and Xiumin sometimes even meet up just to hang out , without telling Kris of course. Kris does however know what's going on but because of his feelings for Xiumin, pretends like he knows nothing. | Alive

Best in-pack friend | Lee Min Ho | wolf age- 22 | Wolf in his pack | He is playful and silly yet powerful none the less. His smile tends to brighten the mood when something bad happens. He teases the members about anything and everything he can. He is one of the wolves that lived through the hunter attack on the pack years ago. The whole pack respects him and his power. Minho is always there for anyone that needs it, much like the caretaker. The main differences between the two is that Minho has a bigger sense of humor, is more of a jokester, and he is more social compared to the caretaker. | He is friendly with everyone but is closest to Kangdae. Kangdae trusts him with everything and is often teased for his obvious attraction to the caretaker. Minho is one of the only people who can tease Kangdae without him getting snapped at by the leader. Minho is the one who makes Kangdae laugh the most. He thinks it's fun to mess with the older. His goal is to make Kangdae embarrassed enough to get him to blush in front of his crush, the caretaker. | alive

Work friend | Dongwoo | 22 | Human | He is a prankster but also a good worker. He is well mannered and well tempered, never getting mad at his friends. He will, however, chew out those who talk sh*t about his friends. He gets along with everyone, no matter what their personality. | He works with Kangdae who often pawns off his work on him. If Kangdae takes notice that something is happening to one of his pack members, he'll just shout at Dongwoo to cover for him and then run out the door. Once in a while they will hang out outside of work, but not usually. Dongwoo admires Kangdae for his calm yet powerful appearance. He won't admit it to anyone, not even himself, but he has a small crush on the older. He isn't usually one to be quiet but when he is around Kangdae he gets super shy. | Alive

Rival : 

Rival | Kris | Wolf age- 73 | Wolf | He is very strong and haughty, much like Kangdae. Their personalities are actually very similar except that Kris didn't have a tragic background like Kangdae. He was more spoiled than Kangdae when he was younger and was handed the title of Alpha rather than it being forced upon him suddenly. He doesn't take other wolves lightly but thinks he is better than most of them. He is adamant in his views of what is right and wrong, but he isn't always right. He thinks with his head rather than his heart most of the time and doesn't always understand why people do certain things. | They are rival wolf packs so, naturally, they don't like each other. Kris, however, did not approve of the fact that Kangdae chose his younger brother over the alpha and beta (his parents). Whenever they meet, Kris always taunts and scolds him with this. Kangdae loses his collected demeanor when Kris talks about his parents and the choices he made in his past. They very rarely physically fight though because they both know that if they fight, both of the packs will get in on it and people are bound to get hurt when it isn't necessary.


 i am both jekyll and hyde

Personality : 

Despite his seemingly calm exterior, Kangdae is a strong and fierce leader. He is the largest and most powerful of the pack. Known for his hot temper, his comrades refrain from purposefully angering him. When he is angry, his calm facade shatters completely. When this happens, no one dares get in between him and whoever happens to have pissed him off. Even in his human form, Kangdae is very intimidating. Being in his presence tends to frighten other groups' wolves because of his reputation. His temper often gets him into trouble with other packs or hunters. He  always thinks he's right, even when he isn't. If he is proved wrong, he still denies that he is wrong and most of the time gets angry about it. If someone disrespects him or his pack, they are in serious trouble. He wouldn't hesitate to attack those who are threatening or bad mouthing his pack. More often then not, he has to be calmed and held back by the beta. If he meets someone, whether they are a wolf or a human, and they are not well mannered and they disrespect their elders, he won't hesitate to give them a piece of his mind. When he has to deal with humans, however, he tries to control his anger more because he doesn't want to reveal his pack's identity. When overly stressed, Kangdae's temper tends to get even worse. In order to burn of the negative feelings and to refrain from bursting out at his comrades, he often takes short runs or isolates himself. However, he never neglects his duties for the benefit of his feelings. If he has something he has to do for the sake of the pack, he will put that above anything.

Taught by his mother, his love for his pack rivals his feelings for anything else. This makes him the perfect leader. He would lay down his own life for a member of his pack no matter the consequences. His pack never second guesses his love for them. He would do anything for the benefit of his pack. He is extremely protective of his comrades. If someone is getting close to them who he doesn't trust he will make sure to keep them safe and lay down the rules with the person of interest. Being the leader, he has to deal with the stress of the pack. He is often overwhelmed by the duties he has to his pack. He has to deal with humans, hunters, and fellow groups. He has to make sure that they are carefull enough not to let any hunters know of them. He has to make sure that those the other members befriend can actually be trusted. Keeping his younger brother safe is his biggest priority, although it won't seem like that on the outside. On the outside, it seems as though he handles this well, but in reality it weighs heavily on his shoulders. He doesn't open up about his duties to anyone other than his beta. When it becomes too much for him to handle, he goes to him for comfort. He is younger than most alphas which just makes it harder on him. 

Kangdae doesn't hate humans at all and tries to protect them from other wolves if at all possible. On the contrary, he finds it quite calming to watch humans go on with their daily life. He is hardly approached by anyone though because of his intimidatingly dark demeanor. This doesn't bother him though because he'd rather watch in silence. He rarely gets to do this but it calms him when he needs some alone time. Sometimes he wishes he were a mere human so he wouldn't have to deal with the problems and stress associated with being an alpha. He does, however, have a deep hate for hunters, as they stole his parents from him and his brother. He doesn't like killing people or hunters unless it is unavoidable. Death can bring out the worst in people. It causes hatred, sadness, and depression. He doesn't want anyone ever to feel the way he felt when he watched his parents die in front of him. He wishes to avoid the spiraling hole that is revenge. He fears that his brother will try to get revenge for their parents deaths. He would do anything to prevent this from happening because he know it would ruin his beloved brother's life.

He has a sense of humor behind that cold looking exterior. Although he doesn't usually have the pleasure of not being busy, when he gets the time to relax he actually laughs quite a bit. His close friends are some of the only people who can make him laugh. If he were to laugh in front of anyone that he isn't particularly closed to, they would be extremely shocked. When he laughs, other people can't help but to laugh either, it's quite contagious. When people say lauthter is the best medicine, they are right. Kangdae feels significantly better after relaxing and having a good laugh, even though that isn't often. His usual stoic and intimidating attitude is what the majority of those around him see. His other wolf friends know that his appearance isn't all who he is inside. Deep down, he loves skinship and hugs. It does, however, take a lot for him to admit it. He would never ask for anything unless he is feeling really upset so don't count on him opening up. The only person he would consider asking for comfort or a hug is his beta. His pack loves him to pieces and they know that he loves them back despite the fact that he rarely shows affection to anyone.

No wolf is without flaws. Kangdae's greatest flaws are the result of his parents' death and his reactions too them. When they died he began to fade out as the good brotherly figure to his brother. He still loves but he cannot show love in a way that is easy to most others like actually saying "I love you". As he trained more and more, his physical resistance and strength grew but as this happened, he became more intimidating. He began to smile and laugh less and less as the role of alpha began to weigh heavy on his shoulders. Wolves that knew him before the incident with his parents happened saw the change happen gradually and were not content with it despite the fact that he became a better leader. As he became stronger, he lost skills taught to him by his mother like patience and control over anger under pressure. His anger is uncontrollable when released. Sometimes he gets so out of control that he ends up hurting someone on accident. His adamant attitude and "I'm always right" viewpoint on the world causes trouble. He doesn't always listen to everything someone has to say if he feels like it isn't important or that the person is wrong. His comrades get used to it but others often get annoyed with it. The only people he tries to hold his adamance for are other pack leaders or when he is in a situation where someone's life is in danger.

Likes :

  • quiet
  • wind blowing through his fur
  • rain and cold weather
  • seafood + meat
  • taking walks in silence (usually alone)
  • tea
  • beer
  • alone time
  • discipline
  • skinship
  • bonding with pack members
  • when in the city, watching people walk by
  • helping others when they need it
  • sweet foods
  • the mountains
  • pretty and calming scenery
  • other people's aegyo
  • staring at the moon

Dislikes :

  • when people question his authority
  • when people don't respect their elders
  • when he is reminded of what happened to his parents
  • vegetables
  • upsetting his fellow pack members
  • people who break promises
  • slackers
  • people who take others for granted
  • cats
  • people without manners
  • those who take other people's love for granted

Habits :

  • growls/snarles when someone angers him (even if he is in his human form)
  • drinking when overly stressed
  • howls at the sky when alone and upset
  • transforms into a wolf at the rare moments where he feels sad enough to cry so he doesn't have to deal with his feelings.
  • flexes when around his beta unintentionally showing off
  • interrupts other's when they talk to him if he thinks what they are talking about isn't important

Hobbies :

  • listening to music
  • running
  • video games (human form obviously lol)
  • sparring

Fears :

  • the death of his brother
  • the caretaker leaving the pack
  • getting seriously injured and being unable to help his pack
  • attacks by hunters
  • fire
  • he won't find time to love or be loved in a romantic way
  • dragging Dongwoo into a wolf/hunter related conflict

Talents :

  • cooking
  • running
  • fighting

Trivia :

  • doesn't get a lot of sleep
  • when he does sleep, he is often plagued by nightmares of his parents' death
  • never went to college as a human, but that doesn't mean he is stupid
  • knows English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese
  • Prefers eating human food over raw animal
  • cannot sleep with lights on
  • secretly loves hugs
  • he is always on time, if he isn't then something is obviously wrong
  • hides his eyes under his hair as often as possible (human)
  • dogs tend to be attracted to him
  • the scar on his back is sensative when touched
  • He's ticklish but messing with him is potentially dangerous because of his strength
  • doesn't like sitting in one place for too long if he has something he has to do
  • never ever does aegyo
  • good at bluffing
  • cries himself to sleep often
  • when traveling in human form, he drives a black motorbike
  • he has never been able to settle down and have a boyfriend/girlfriend


 let out the beast

Wolf Appearance : 1 |or| 2    He has bright blue eyes from the mutation (that, when in human mode, he tries to hide with his hair because of their rarity). He is a big wolf with sleek black fur. (or black & white)

Special Ability : He can tell when a member of his pack is hurt + he has better eyesight.


 i'm the wolf, you're the beauty

Love Interest : The Caretaker

How did you meet him ? : Kangdae met the caretaker when he was on a trip out of his pack's territory for some alone time.

What do you think about him ? : He's the one Kangdae goes to when he needs help or needs to vent his feelings. Kangdae sees him as the umma- as does the rest of the pack- but it's more than that. To Kangdae, the caretaker is like the backbone of the pack. The caretaker is the one that helps when Kangdae needs it. He's the one that makes the stress of the job bearable for Kangdae. Without the caretaker, Kangdae knows he wouldn't be able to keep up with the pack because he lacks the gentle touch that everyone needs and the caretaker provides. The Caretaker is seen as his calm and mature half. When Kangdae sees the caretaker, he sees all of the things his mother taught him about being patient, loyal, loving and a good listener. The Caretaker has what Kangdae lacks.

Scene requests :

Someone goes to attack the caretaker but Kangdae jumps in the way and takes a life threatening wound.

The Caretaker tries to better the relationship between the lost lamb and the tyrant. He sees that the tyrant actually loves his brother but doesn't like the fact that they don't get along well due to the tyrant's arrogance.

Kangdae going to the caretaker because he's stressed and had been drinking.

The caretaker getting jealous over Kangdae's relationship with his best friend in the pack (Lee Min Ho)

Kangdae breaking down in front of his brother and apologizing while telling him he really loves him

Kris confronting Xiumin (and maybe Kangdae too) about how he slinks off to hang out with Kangdae

flashbacks about his past

Something similar to what happened with Kangdae's parents happens again and, like before, Kangdae goes to protect his little brother

something happens to his brother and Kangdae thinks he's dead so he cries over him

the caretaker admiring Kangdae's body & tracing the scar along his back

An argument or fight between Kangdae and Kris


 don't go

Extra/Comments : I like the concept for this story hehe ^^

Questions/Suggestions : Fixed the ages :)

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