Rant Rant Rant.

Okay, So today, I went with my beta reader (also stated as one of my friends in a previous blog post) to go to Chilis and watch a movie. She's a grade older than me, LOL. And her parents think I'm a good influence on her since I skipped a grade and have a 4.0 which is ironic in a way since she considers herself a bad influence on me, since she was the one who introduced me to manga, , , and many other dirty and things. But I LOVE HER. LOL.

So, I told my mom I'd be back AROUND 5. And the movie ended a little late, so I called her around 5:30 to pick me up, and she got super pissed off and it just ugh. Like I know you can be worried and , but geez, I wasn't even that late. And you don't have to be THAT mad at me okay. 

Like she kept saying stuff like "YOUR BROTHERS NEVER DID THIS TO ME." "YOU DIDN'T KEEP YOUR WORD." 

And honestly I hate when she compares me to my brothers, doesnt everyone hate when they are compared to? Well, she ALWAYS does it. Like when I'm not doing something studious like reading lately (jfc its summer let me have fun) she'll say YOUR BROTHERS ALWAYS READ. LOOK WHERE THEY ARE NOW. Let me explain the "amazing" achievements of my brothers. My oldest brother, he goes to UCSB, he's an English major and he's a total jerk.  My second oldest brother goes to Stanford on a almost full scholarship. 

There is one thing in common with these two during their high school years.

They had no lives.

Well, I don't either, seeing that I'm on here. But I have something on here and I go and hang out, but they had like nothing except video games and like friends they only hung out with at school.

My parents should be grateful that I'm different, but NOOO. 

Sometimes I feel like they LOVE to yell at me.

Well, by they, I mean my mom since my dad still has trouble with English.

OKAY, so the other day I got yelled at for the most stupidest thing ever.

Toilet paper.

So, we have two bathrooms, and upstairs and a downstairs bathroom. I usually use the downstairs bathroom and she usually uses the upstairs one. So, it was like late afternoon and she goes in the bathroom and later I hear my name being yelled by her. And my (2nd) brother just looks at me like "what the did you do this time." And she comes downstairs and she's like 'YOU'RE THE GIRL IN THIS HOUSE YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THERE WAS NO TOILET PAPER. YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED YOUR DAD TO GET SOME MORE FROM THE GARAGE BEFORE HE LEFT TO WORK." And yes, again, I understand you are mad about the toilet paper, but geez, you do NOT need to yell at me for something simple as that. 

One other thing that happens in this house. ugh. Everyone in this house, except me at times, is OBSESSED with weight loss. And I'm kind of lazy and I don't like to go to the gym with her, occasionally I will just want to dance kpop dances for excersize. But, like she always tells me to go with her, and when I say I don't want to she's gets bootytickled (yes i just said bootytickled) and it irritates me greatly. Like, okay. Sure you can say I need excersize since all I do is stay at home. But you don't have to be RUDE about it and say "YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT COME WITH ME." -.-

Sometimes, I really wish I can leave here faster. I have somewhat of a dream to be a kpop idol, and no its not bc i want to be close to "oppas" but I actually like singing and being onstage and music in general. But sometimes I feel like I want to audition and become an idol, bc I want to leave here earlier. But I am grateful that I skipped a grade so I have to stay here for one less year than most teenagers. 

And yes, some of you will say, maybe your mom is going through menopause, give her a break. UH HUH, THEN WHY DOESN'T SHE BE AN TO MY BROTHERS HUH? NO, ITS ONLY ME. She treats my brothers like they are angels when they are not. One of the things I hate the most in the world is favoritism. I hate it so much omg. And it irritates me so much WHEN SHE YELLS AT ME AND NEVER AT THEM. Like my oldest brother will backsass her and she wont yell at him. And you may say "Well, they're over 18. they shouldnt be yelled at at this age." OH, so they could just stay here in this house and still get all this stuff, and not have to face the consequences? Like my oldest brother kept asking for a car, and GETTING MAD THAT MY MOM WASNT GIVING HIM ONE. And do I have to mention that my oldest brother didnt get a scholarship so my mom has to get loans from the ban to pay for his schooling? its just, so stressful.

That's why I'm doing so well in school, because I want to go to a college far from here. And leave this horrible place.

Come on high school graduation (or entertainment audition LOL) come faster.


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KoalasRULE25 #1
Next time she yells at you yell at her back
Yell something along the lines if 'why do you only tell at me? Why am I the target of all the blame and yelling? Because I didn't restock the toilet paper, I'm not the only one in the house and I didn't know. Or because I'm different than (insert brothers name)? Because I dont want to be like them or anything you guys are pushing me to be?'
And if she yells back something like ' I don't just tell at you', turn to your brother and ask him when the last time your mom yelled at him was. Or she says 'cause you're a bad daughter' say ' mom I skipped a grad, have a 4.0, my friends patents think I'm a good influence, and I don't get into trouble, how an I a bad daughter?'
You got to tell her things, make her realize that you aren't a bad kid. Even if its yelling she needs to hear it, maybe then she get the point across. And if not, go to a friends place for 2 days saying you need time away from your mom and hope thT she sees what you were trying to say