My Sad Life.

So I'm not going to KCON. My sister said she'd pay for my tickets but I have no ride. And my mom won't take me cuz all she thinks about is herself. I know I've asked her for a lot of things but she truly couldn't take me there? God said ask are you will be given but What has he given me? I asked for a better mom. Never happened. I asked for a better family where everyone is happy together. Never happened.... I asked him to take me with him already cuz I just couldnt stand this cruel world anymore. But that never happened either. But it doesnt matter anymore. Tickets go one sale tomoorow morning at 10. Its not like a miracle can happen right now at 11 at night.


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LunarPrincess #1
I'm sorry but.....Your mom's a
2am-ramen #2
When you said your mom thinks about only herself...
what did you exactly mean?